Today Bishop Greg Venables travels to the Diocese of Northern Argentina for meetings of the Diocesan Council tomorrow and the AGM of the diocesan legal body on Friday. Pray that the proceedings will run smoothly, that the Lord will inspire, unity will prevail and the right people end up with the right responsibilities.

This Sunday a presidential election is neighbouring Paraguay, with current president Duarte Frutos barred by the Constitution from running for re-election. The candidates include the current Minister of Education, a former Roman Catholic priest and a former disgraced army general. Please pray for this nation in its desperate need for a just and trustworthy government which strives for the welfare of the people and against corruption.

Ian & Siméa Meldrum in Olinda, Brazil, have said how important our prayers are against the violence, drug dealers and the dangers of the area; so please keep in your prayers these issues, as well as the staff and 11 boys aged 6-14 being cared for at My Father’s House (safe house). Among these are two drug addicts put there temporarily for their own safety by the court as they are being hunted by gangs. They are causing disruption in the house and affecting the other boys who have recently come off drugs and glue-sniffing and had been making good progress. So please pray.