Bishop Carlos and Ana López need our prayers in leadership and pastoral oversight of IERE, the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church. So do Bishop Fernando and Maria José Soares in leading the Lusitanian church in Portugal. Pray for vision, energy and wisdom.
Uphold Sue Woodcock in her responsibilities as pastor of the church in Sabadell and archdeacon for the east coast region. Pray for the growing church, for newcomers quickly to feel part of it, and for those taking part in the Alpha group and growth groups to deepen their faith.
Pray with Jonathan and Hilary Rowe, Elizabeth and Benjamin for the impact of distance-learning courses from SEUT, and for more students to register for these and for courses in El Escorial itself. Pray for their ministry in the local evangelical church with women’s meetings, prayer groups and adult Sunday school.
Lift to God Felipe and Sarah Yáñez, Samuel and Aaron, near Malaga, in their witness to immigrants through a ministry of hospitality and friendship. They also give care and hospitality to Latin American mission partners arriving in Spain.