This Friday is dedicated in Peru to those living with disabilities, so the Shalom church and therapy centre in Lima have several activities planned for the children and families, including a street parade and a party. Pat Blanchard asks prayer for God’s blessing on all involved.
Bishop Henry then jets off to South America on Sunday for a short tour of Ecuador, Northern Argentina and Brazil. In Ecuador early next week he’ll of course be visiting Jill Ball. Pray for travelling and meetings.
In Argentina the Provincial Executive of the Southern Cone gathers in Salta next week; pray for their discussions and fellowship.
We recently asked prayer for a Marriage Encounter weekend at La Serena church in Chile. Pastor Pablo & Pamela Zavala have written to share their delight in seeing the 17 couples newly rejoicing in their marriages, with some making a commitment to begin a walk with the Lord. Let’s praise God with the Zavalas and ask his leading for all those couples.
Finally, please uphold the Butler family, recently returned from Paraguay. Patrick is being inducted as curate of Emmanuel Church, Stoughton, Guildford, on Sunday, so please remember them in your prayers as they take this major step after long service overseas.