Give thanks for the successful Mission Team trip and pray for them as they return to the UK.


Give thanks for those boys who made a response during the camp at the farm and pray that they might continue to grow and mature in their faith.


Pray that we might be able to find a suitable house for the project. Give thanks that, due to the delays, we have more time to look for and find a place.


Pray for the financial situation of the project which has worsened slightly with the poor exchange rate and that more supporters will be found.


Pray for our weeks holiday – for rest and renewal, and of course for our first year of marriage!


Pray for Rose and I, for strength to get everything done and for wisdom whilst we’re doing it.


Remember to check out this month’s video update for an even better feel for what’s happening in Brazil. The video is available to see/download from youtube on the following link:


We have also launched a new website which explains a bit about us, our work, the project etc… Do check it out and pass it on to others who are interested in our work:


Thanks again guys for all the prayer and support that you are showing us and the project.



Andy and Rose J