Pray for nurse Beryl Baker who offers the only hope of medical treatment to around 18,000 indigenous people in the Paraguayan Chaco. She has dedicated nearly 30 years of her life to this area and describes herself as ‘orderly, gynaecologist, midwife and dentist’, treating anything from TB to gunshot wounds and snakebite. Government funding provides some medicines but offers little else in the way of support. The needs are considerable and alongside meeting daily health challenges Beryl trains indigenous health promoters to meet some basic community health needs.


  • For the provision of financial and practical resources to enable Beryl to serve and treat those who are suffering, so that deaths can be prevented.
  • For the provision of funds to provide fuel to get desperately needed water into the communities.
  • For Beryl who ministers in a complex, dangerous and demanding environment.
Transport for clinic patients

Transport for clinic patients

Couple with TB

Couple with TB

Wound from spider bite

Wound from spider bite

Boy with fractured collarbone

Boy with fractured collarbone

Damiana Galeano with chronic arthritis

Damiana Galeano with chronic arthritis