News from Gayle Stevenson in Salta

Gayle StevensonOk I’m sorry I’m a few days late but Cecilia has only just got back and so everything has been quite busy. Where to start – the last month has been mostly filled with travelling, I’ve seen some absolutely breathtaking views and as well as that I’ve been becoming a bit of a Tour Guide in my spare time. So as most of you know I have to leave the country every 3 months/90 days to renew my Argentine Visa so off I went with Guada, Cecilia´s wee sis, to Puerto Iguazu on the borders of Brazil and Paraguay. Mode of transport – Bus (3 of them). Total Travelling Time – 30 hrs. There are three main things you notice when you arrive in Puerto Iguazu – heat,humidity and bright red soil! As if that wasn’t exciting enough Puerto Iguazu is also home to one of Argentina’s most impressive sites, a set of waterfalls which separate Argentina and Brazil. We spent a whole day walking around the trail which was set up to show off these massive waterfalls, in awe of their beauty and size. If that wasn’t enough we went on a boat up the river and were so close to the Falls that you couldn’t breathe never mind keep your eyes open as the force was so great. We crossed the border of Brazil and Paraguay and spent a day just walking about their border cities to get the passport all stamped up ready for my last 3 months in Argentina. As we were only there for a short period of time I can’t tell you a whole lot about the places other than Brazil was much more built up with a few sky scrapers and I even spied a Pizza Hut – couldn´t believe it. Paraguay was really like Bolivia only bigger with a lot more buildings. On our last day in Puerto Iguazu we went on a big boat trip up the river that separates the 3 countries as the sun was setting. Meanwhile a few men performed folklore music on the boat to accompany the beautiful views and even got Guada and I up to dance in front of everyone. Ha, let’s just say I was fairly confident I would never see any of them again! I really loved my time there as it was great to be surrounded by so much water. I’ve really missed the sea as its a couple of days drive from Salta and so most of the people I know have never seen it. The next day we were back on the bus and on our way home exhausted, looking forward to Mum and Dad arriving a few days later. Unfortunately Mum and Dad missed their connecting flight from Buenos Aires to Salta and so we had to wait in suspense for yet another day. Anyways Mum and Dad arrived safe and sound-ish (you can ask them about that) and the next day we were up early to go for a day trip up into the Andes along the path of the Train to the Clouds, if anyone has heard about that. On the way we visited some villages, the Argentine Salt Flats and the Mountain of 7 colours. I somehow got roped into translating the whole thing for both Mum, Dad and an English couple who were also on the tour that day and so we all arrived home absolutely wrecked!! The following day was spent seeing the sites and sounds of my second home Salta City. We went up one of the “cerros”(we would call it a mountain but here it’s a hill) by cable car, dandered around the city and went to the famous Sunday markets. Up early again the next day and off to Buenos Aires only to be amazed yet again, only this time not by another one of God’s beautiful creations but by the size of the hotel room I was staying in. I suppose mentally I’ve down sized a bit and so to find my room was bigger than the house I’ve been living in for the past 7 months came as a bit of a surprise! The following few days were filled with delicious food ( Argentine Steaks and fish which I haven’t had seen I left home), site seeing and a tango show, after which we parted ways again as we flew home- Mum and Dad to Ireland and I to Salta. Some days later Cecilia arrived home from Ireland and so now the real work begins again. I can’t believe I’ll be home soon and so I’m determined to really make the most of my time left.

Prayer points
For my time left that God will make the most of it and I will be open to him doing so. For a girl from my church who has been kicked out of her house by her family for being a Christian, she has no job as she is studying and is now staying with a family who already have a full house and little money as it is.?For the team coming out in July. For all next years volunteers. Thanks again for all your support and sorry that this email has arrived a bit late.

Hasta Luego y Dios Te Bendiga. Tu Hermana En Cristo. Cati ( Gayle Stevenson)

La Caldera, Salta Team Trip 2008

La Caldera 2008In July this year twelve young people from Down and Dromore Diocese will travel to La Caldera in Salta, Argentina for a three week Beyond the Norm trip. For some it will be their first mission experience, for everyone it will be an adventure.

Aims of the trip

  • To work in fellowship with Christians from the Diocese of Northern Argentina and experience the Kingdom of God at work in another culture.
  • To assist in the modernisation of La Caldera retreat centre – helping the Diocese become more financially independent. Read more in a recent post.
  • To deepen the links between the Church of Ireland and the Diocese of Northern Argentina – to share your faith, work hard, and be an ambassador for Christ and the Church in Ireland.

La Caldera TeamBackground to the Project
The retreat centre takes its name from the La Caldera village, where it is located. In early colonial times the area was a stop-over place for mule-caravans that travelled the trail connecting Buenos Aires with Lima, Peru. On the site of the village once operated a lead melting-plant that featured a enormous pot with clear water, hence the name ‘La Caldera’, Spanish for ‘boiler’ or ‘cooking-pot’. The documented use of the name ‘La Caldera’ can be traced back to late sixteenth century title-deeds.

The property that is now the retreat-centre was purchased by the Anglican diocese of Northern Argentina in the 1970s. Since then, the centre has served local Anglican parishes mainly through youth-retreats and children’s camps. These activities have always been co-ordinated by the diocesan department of Clergy and Lay Training and over the years, hundreds of young people have been reached through this ministry. Much of today’s leadership and membership are the fruit of these camps and retreats. Currently the centre can offer accommodation to around 70 people, has hot and cold running water and the majority of sleeping facilities are bunk-beds in dorms.

In June 2007 the diocese saw a change of authority and Archbishop Greg Venables became diocesan Bishop in Northern Argentina. The new Bishop and his staff quickly perceived the need for optimising the use of the La Caldera centre and the project for modernisation was conceived. One of the priorities of the diocese is to become less dependent on donations from abroad and to increase the percentage of ministry-budgets they can finance themselves. Modernising the La Caldera retreat centre is part of this priority.

Phase A:

  • Construction of low front-wall with columns in style, closed with welded iron fence; hinged double gates for main entrance and hinged single gate for delivery entrance;
  • Fencing off the grounds with wire mesh and concrete posts ?(50% of circumference, + 400 meters);
  • Remodelling of two dorms and the construction of new bathrooms;
  • Repairs to existing bathrooms, roofs, floors and walls;
  • Painting the main building.
  • For more details of the project read the project description, and the team blog.

    Short term mission trips 2008

    During the coming months several SAMS Ireland teams are heading to South America. Each of them will be doing a variety of work to server the Anglican church in their outreach and ministries. The teams are:

    • Lisburn Cathederal – Salta; Red Box Project, from 28th June to 19th July. Team leader – Jonny Best.
    • Down & DromoreLa Caldera 2008, Northern Argentina; from 4th July to 25th July. Team leader – Stephen Trew.
    • Dungannon / Fivemiletown – Salta; Red Box Project, from 24th July to 15th August. Team Leader Jo Hamilton
    • Love For Life – Paraguay; From 1st August to 17th August. Team Leader Hannah Collins. Following up the Love for Life Paraguay 2007 trip (report).
    • Eglinton / AhoghillMission Paraguay 2008; From 1st August to 23rd August. Team Leader David Orritt.

    Prayer news

    From the SAMS GB Prayer line:

    Retired Bishop David and Rachel Leake travel to Argentina tomorrow for a 3-month visit. They will be based in Salta in the northern diocese with son Andrew, his wife María and their family. Pray for their journey and adjustment, their ministry of encouragement to Andrew and María in their work on environmental issues, and for David’s main work of assisting Michael Browne in the Toba New Testament translation project.

    Next Monday (7th) in the same diocese a regional conference of Indian pastors and lay leaders is held in Saucelito in the Chaco area. Please pray for this gathering.

    Two events in northeast Spain this weekend also merit our prayers. St George’s Church, Barcelona, hold their weekend away in a nearby rural area, under the title ‘Play and Pray’. And the Church of Christ in Sabadell has a special outreach event on Saturday. Pray for these events and continue to remember the churches’ leaders Peter & Barbara Jordan and Sue Woodcock.

    Finally, Ruth Hollingdale and husband Efraim in Brazil ask prayer for an event in the favela (or slum) in Recife where they work. A group of young people from Espirito Santo church nearby are starting a special youth evangelistic impact in the favela community with monthly Saturday night events; the first one is held this Saturday, 5th.

    Items for prayer

    From the SAMS prayer line:

    Alf Cooper, who arrived back today in Chile, has asked us to pray for preparations for a major event on 15 April. This is a Conference on Revival to be held in the main Methodist Pentecostal Cathedral in Santiago and Alf hopes that as many as 5000 pastors and leaders will attend.  He writes: ‘Chilean pastors need great refreshment in their experience of revival and church.  Chile’s 20% of [evangelical] Christians [in the population] needs to become 30%.’ Let’s pray with Alf and the church in Chile for all the work for this event.

    Though a Bank Holiday here in the UK, Monday is a normal working day in South America. It’s a big day at FEISA, the Anglican Early Years Teacher Training College in Asunción, Paraguay: not only do the new First Years begin their course but the long-planned degree course also starts. Please pray for the students as they embark on these ventures, and for the staff in teaching and administration.

    Easter weekend services and outreach events are wonderful opportunities for evangelism and churches across South America, Spain and Portugal will be holding these. At Living Waters in Olinda, Brazil, for example, Maundy Thursday will see a service of the washing of feet, Good Friday a film, Saturday a picnic, and Easter Sunday worship from sunrise through the day. Let’s pray for the events in Olinda and similar ones elsewhere, that many people will be transformed by an encounter with the Living God.

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