Sunday 30th August: Bishop Ken (Fanta) leaves for Chile and Peru

For Your Prayers

Sunday 30th August: Bishop Ken (Fanta) leaves for Chile and Peru.

This week the Bishops from Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay meet together in Santiago, Chile and +Ken has been asked to give 4 talks. This gathering will be followed by a meeting of the Executive Council of the Province. Archdeacon Andrew Forster joins +Ken on Thursday for the Council Meeting. On Friday 3 members of The Church of The Cross, Bluffton, Hilton Head, arrive. This team of 5 will meet with different Chilean church leaders, and visit several churches over the weekend.

On Monday (7th September) they fly to Lima, Peru where again they will have several days of important strategic meetings with church leaders. Pray for 3 things… That they will discern the best ways of developing fruitful mission partnerships.

That they will have “listening ears” to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church today… and be channels of encouragement.

That they will enjoy protection, good health and maximise the time.

A good friend of SAMS UK and Ireland is Bishop Henry Scriven of CMS England, and he will also be present this week.

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