Chile: Elections
Prayer partners in Chile Alf and Hilary Cooper (Alf is chaplain to the President) ask prayer for the nation of Chile in the build-up to the presidential and congressional elections on 15 November – crucial to the way the government takes into account Christian values.
Uruguay: Prison ministry
Pray for Gonzalo Soria who has been invited to begin pastoral work in the prison. This is intriguing for a country that seeks to keep a separation between church and state.
Argentina: Christians come together
Mission partners Ed and Marie Brice in Tartagal, Argentina, give thanks for the evangelistic campaign held in the town in August by Carlos Annacondia: for the thousands of people who heard and responded to the gospel, and for the improved relations among the different Christian groups in Tartagal. One opportunity out of this was to go and join local Christians to pray on the streets of the most notorious district of the town. Pray for the continued follow-up, including Ed and Marie’s contact with the 34 people who live near The Good Shepherd church [which they pastor] and responded to the invitation during the Annacondia campaign.
Brazil: Alpha
Pray for Jess and Mark Simpson in Rio de Janeiro Anglican Cathedral who have just started an Alpha course.
Paraguay: FEISA Teacher Training
Pray for 3rd Year students’ who are on placement within various state schools.
Pray for the training of church members who are willing to help with toy library visits. This is a really important ministry which shares in a tangible way God’s love in challenging circumstances.
Peru: Diocesan Youth Ministry team
Pray for Rachel Hill (Deacon responsible for youth ministry), Paul Tester (mission partner) and Lizbeth Varillas (Diocesan Youth Ministry Coordinator). Pray for guidance and inspiration for this key team. Pray for the youth leaders in Lima, that they will take the initiative to building a vision for the youth ministry in Lima. For the National Youth Leaders Retreat to be held in November (8th-10th), that they may hear the call to be the leaders that God wants them to be.
Keep your feet on the ground, but let your heart soar. Refuse to be average or to surrender to the chill of your spiritual environment.
“For me to live is Christ …” The Apostle Paul
Friday Night Live 7th February 2014