Gwen & Mags Prayer & News July 2013

Gwen & Mags Prayer News recently received into the SAMS office:

Dear Friends,

The sun has finally made an appearance after almost 3 weeks of rain and cold…. most unusual for Paraguay! It’s not been easy in school when it’s too wet to go out for days on end and now we have a lot of children off ill. In first grade only 7 pupils out of 28 came today and most of the others have flu. We have closed the class for a couple of days but I doubt they’ll come back this week as the holidays start this weekend.

June was a very busy month. We had an inter schools sports competition planned where we would be the hosts and invite other schools. We had a press launch as well !! We had a visitor to that… a Paraguayan footballer who was obviously well known as all the children wanted his autograph. Gwen found herself sitting next to him without knowing who he was ! When Mags came back from the sports ground she wasn’t happy to know the Paraguayan goalkeeper had been in school and she’d missed him…she seemed to think it was all wasted on Gwen! In the end the day had to be postponed due to very bad weather and it is now planned for the end of July.

The third form held a dance competition for all the school from 4th grade upwards. The pupils took it very seriously and practised for months. We had a very good evening watching them and the quality of the dances was exceptional. The year 11’s won yet again ..they’re a group with a lot of dancers in it.

For Father’s day we invited the dads into school for breakfast. We must have had a record number of dads in this year. When we first came we rarely saw the dads, now they are much more involved in their children’s education.

The secondary went out on their visits to the different children’s homes and schools they support. It is great seeing them setting off with such enthusiasm for their children. 7th Grade went to the home which last years 6th form had visited for 6 years and played happily with the chidren who have HIV. They build up relationships with them all over the years. 8th Grade came back full of plans to paint the Preschool they visit.

We also had the last two decade shows. The 90s and the 2000s. The 6th form had organized all their show brilliantly. It was a multimedia in every sense. 7th – 9th Grades were much more self-conscious in front of the older ones – typical teenagers!

As you know, June was also the month of our celebrations. We were blessed to have  Bishop Greg  (Venables) from Buenos Aires and Bishop Ken Clarke from SAMS Ireland and UK along with Eileen Murphy (head 90-98) Molly Cooper and Pat Chapman . We also had some of the ex Paraguayan staff with us.The first event was a school march down the main street in Asuncion. We had all the permissions we needed and were very organized for this and then, 3 days before the date, we found out there was also to be a Gay Parade in the same place at the time we would finish. We decided not to go ahead as we didn’t want a clash. We tried to get permission to march near school but it was too late. We had a quick change of plans and invited everyone to breakfast in school and to see a film  of the history of school and to chat with the visitors. About 200 people came to that, mostly ex pupils, and we had a really goodtime. Many thought it was probably even better than a march. The march is postponed until September now.

The ex pupils’ service was on Tuesday with Bishop Greg as the main speaker. It was a very good service and many had tears especially as they sang the school hymn. It was a special time for many of them.

The next day we had a Gala evening where the pupils did their dances from the decades. This was planned for outside but we had to change it rapidly and finally had it in the gym and the food stands in the secondary patio. It was a great evening, lots of people came  and money was raised for the annexe bathrooms.

On Friday we had our school service with a number of invited guests. It was good to see a representative from the British embassy which is about to return to Paraguay. Bishop Ken from Ireland spoke and was very well received giving a very clear message for the children. In the evening we had our School dinner which was  amazing. It was beautifully prepared and decorated with a fantastic atmosphere. Everyone had come to enjoy themselves and enjoy the evening. The outside was decorated to look like Buckingham Palace! There were over 800 people there and it was quite a job trying to fit names to people especially when they might have left over 20 years ago!!

Now we have one week left in school before our winter holidays although quite a number of pupils are already away. We are quite tired after all the events and a long term.

One of our dogs is quite ill with cancer and probably won’t last much longer so that’s something we’re not looking forward to. Also the lady who cleans for us has been ill with pneumonia for the last 6 weeks just at the time when we have been busiest in school. Hopefully she’ll be back this week.

Thank you for all your prayers and support.

God Bless, Love Mags and Gwen

More Like Jesus

Setting the scene:

Paul founded the church in Galatia – a huge Roman province. Paul insisted that

repentance and faith in Christ was all that was needed to receive this new life with God – but now some Jewish teachers were insisting that non-Jews needed to be circumcised and observe Jewish laws. Paul is not happy and suggests if that is true then why not go the whole hog and castrate yourself! (Gal 5.12)

So, Paul in chapter 5, begins a magnificent dialogue on ‘freedom in Christ’. Christ has saved us to set us free – not to live permissive, indulgent lives – but freedom to live as God’s children. Paul contrasts two lists of behaviours, the first are the result of fallen human desires. The second set are the result of faith in Christ and the impact of the Spirit upon our lives.

‘Fruit’ is an old metaphor – but one that was obvious in the agricultural setting of Israel. Jesus also spoke about ‘recognising a tree by its fruit’ (Matt 7.16).

  • Which of the ‘fruits’ listed in v22 do you feel are least evident at this point in your life?
  • Which of the fruits would you like to be most evident in your life right now?

What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives?

In what sense does the Holy Spirit ‘teach us’? How does the Holy Spirit transform us? How does the Holy Spirit help us to pray? The Holy Spirits role is to make Jesus real to us and to make us like Jesus.

The Holy Spirit ‘teaches us’ by helping us to make better sense of who Jesus is and what he has done for us. This includes helping us understand the meaning of scripture but also growing through this understanding. But the Spirit can also ‘teach us’ by providing Christ-like understanding of issues and situations. The Holy Spirit transforms us by prompting and even cajoling us to become like Jesus. Negatively he makes us aware of un-Christ-like attitudes and actions but also increases our distaste for them – thus he helps us break free from those things which hold us back.

Positively he fills us with both a desire and the power to become more like Jesus, although according to 1 John 3. 2 this process is not complete in this earthly life. When it comes to prayer, the Holy Spirit helps us by awakening in us a longing to know God better, but also gives us the assurance that prayer is worthwhile because he helps us know God loves us deeply (Romans 5.5; 8. 15 -16). Sometimes the Holy Spirit shows us how to pray by giving us insight into the subject for our praying. Then again the Holy Spirit can prompt us to keep praying or give us a sense that we should leave our prayer with God.

The late John Stott observed that the Christian life is life in the Spirit and it would be impossible to be a Christian, let alone to live and grow as a Christian, without the ministry of the gracious Spirit of God. All we have and are as Christians we owe to him.

Paul, Sarah and Sophia’s News

Dear Praying Friends,

Apologies for the delay between news for your prayers! We hope all is well with you!

When we write a prayer letter like this it is good to take time to take stock and think through what has happened and where we are heading. This time is no exception. Do please continue to join us in thanks for what God is doing here in Peru and pray for us as we continue to seek to serve God as he leads us.

A stop press prayer request. Please pray for the Youth Alpha which Paul has helped launch for the young people at the Compassion project at our church. It began on Thursday 6th June and we pray it will help many young people to know Jesus and grow in their faith in him.

Thanks for your support.

Love from us all,

Paul, Sarah and Sophia

Ali Young writes from Recife, Brazil

Hi one and all! Hope this finds you well!

I haven’t been able to send a newsletter this month because my laptop died and though I got it fixed I still have a big problem with the software, which hopefully is being sorted as I write! As soon as I can I will send out news!

However in the meantime, I just wanted to inform you of something so that you can pray!

The daily situation at Vale has suddenly turned critical, in that our financial sponsors have pulled out, leaving us completely dependent on donations of food, to feed the kids (which thank the Lord we are still able to do, all be it not necessarily healthily!) The other workers have also not received their salary for the past 2 months and we can’t see where it’s going to come from! So it’s all rather shaky, BUT we are still trusting in God and believe that he still has a plan for Vale and the lives of these incredibly vulnerable kids!

Thank you for your continued support. love ali

Mags Southern and Gwen Carlisle’s news from Paraguay is available on request.

God Bless,

Jo Hazelton    MCIPD

Regional Personnel Officer (South America)

Gwen & Mags Prayer & News June 2013

Gwen & Mags Prayer News recently received into the SAMS office:

Dear Friends,

Thankyou for praying so faithfully for us. We are aware of how much you help to support us in that role. This last month has been a very difficult time and we have been even more aware of our need of prayer in these times.

We have had a few very difficult issues to deal with in school which have resulted in us having to ask two people, in two separate incidents, to leave. These situations are never easy and we all feel the loss of a member. Even so, we know our battles are not really with flesh and blood and know that this is a spiritual battle and one that God can use for our good and also for the good of the school. These situations make us even more dependent on the Lord and our desire is that we should act fairly and with Christian principles so that the Lord can work in us making us even more like Him and so strengthening our testimony to those around us. Please continue to pray for us and the school.

There have been some good moments too! We have continued to celebrate the decades and the top primary classes depicted the 80’s with a fantastic show which was enjoyed by all. This next week we move to the 90’s with the new century coming a few weeks later!!
As part of our celebrations we want to redo the bathrooms for the children in the Annexe school which are as they were built 40 years ago. We had a jumble sale at the beginning of the month and despite the rain raised over a thousand pounds.

Mags has once more been to the sports camp in Brazil, this time with the younger secondary pupils. They took over 50 pupils to play sports with some Brazilian schools. Amazingly they won quite a lot of their matches! They had a fantastic time and returned to school this week. The 9th Grade boys even beat the monitors in Basketball.

The primary and secondary pupils are now coming to the end of exam time and now reports are due! Gwen is pleased with the way her infant class are progressing and enjoys her hour a day there. She also takes a 6th grade group on Tuesday afternoons. This will increase a little in this new month as Rachel Rudman is going to England to get married before returning with her new, Paraguayan, ex pupil, husband!
Mags is busy with her maths classes and very thankful for the help of Sarah Clarkson who, somehow, arrived in Paraguay at just the right time!!

Preparations are well under way for our 50th anniversary celebrations. The children are all practising marching for our school’s march down the main street in town on June 22nd. It seemed an odd idea to us but something people here do! Anyway, we hope to use it as a time of witness with singing and then a talk. This coming Friday we are all going to our sports ground to practise marching and this time it will be the whole school and staff!!!!!

Our big school supper will be on June 28th in the evening. This will be a big event and there will be room for over a thousand people including ex pupils, parents and staff and some of the older pupils. Some of the ex pupils who are parents are organizing this for us. Please pray that our celebrations will be honouring to God and might reach out to others. During the week of June 22 to 28th we will have other events too like an ex pupils’ service where we hope Bishop Greg will speak, a school service where Bishop Ken Clarke from SAMS Ireland will speak, the supper where Bishop Peter will speak and also a Gala night.

Thankyou once again for your prayers. We are planning to come to England at the end of the year and hope to visit some of our link churches in January. If you would like us to visit please get in touch with us via e mail. We won’t make it to everyone but hope to see as many as possible.

God Bless and Lots of love,

Gwen and Mags xx

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