SNAP February 2013

Friday Night Live

Give thanks for Friday Night Live. The evening proved to be significant and challenging for many people as Bishop Ken Clarke (SAMS Mission Director) challenged us all to be missional, relational and intentional.

CHACO Alec Deane

Give thanks for the ‘Garden Project’ which Alec Deane coordinates in the Argentine Chaco (prayer profile and power point presentation available on request). The project promotes family based food production with Indian communities. The combination of the good relations which Alec has built up over many years with the Indian communities and making the best use of available water supplies means that the garden project is able to help people produce quality food.

Work in the Pilcomayo communities is going faster than work in Misión Chaqueña area. Uncertain provision of water is one cause of the restraint so pray for wisdom as Alec reflects and evaluates the work within Misión Chaqueña communities.

Pray for Alec as he seeks a meeting with the Minister of Education in relation to education requirements for Wichi young people.

PERU Alejandro Mesco

“Dear brothers and Sisters, by the grace of God I have now been officially installed and am responsible for Misión Anglicana Santiago Apóstol. This mission is located in the east of Arequipa. Five years ago it was founded, pray for me as I’m looking to God each day to know what plans he has for this new Mission. In these first few months, I’m going to formalize all the documents of the site/field, because it is very important to have a property deed. Subsequently I’ll request installation of basic services (water, drainage and electricity) this will take a few months. In the following months I would like to work in the evangelization of the adult people of the place, using different materials such as: Alpha Course, discovering Christianity and others.”

Alejandro especially asks you to pray that the Lord will send, two young people, to work with children and adolescents. Alejandro & Doris Mesco – Misión Anglicana Santiago Apóstol

PERU Paul, Sarah and little Sophia Tester

Give thanks for Sophia’s good health, her growth and her contentedness.

Pray for growth in the young people and youth leaders at San Pablo, San Patricio and San Juan Evangelista. Pray generally for youth leaders across Peru, particularly for encouragement and inspiration as they serve young Peruvians. Pray for the Testers as they have a few weeks left in the UK before retuning to Peru in March. Pray for refreshment and renewed vision in these final weeks in the UK.

PARAGUAY – St Andrews School Mags & Gwen

Give thanks for the January summer holidays, a chance to unwind and rest. Pray that the Lord will be glorified in 2013 and that pupils and parents will come to know Him better. Plans are well in place for the 50 year celebrations of St. Andrew’s and  they will continue throughout the year and involve the pupils as much as possible. They will also involve ex pupils and parents. The school’s birthday is March 18th so we will combine that with our Easter service on March 22nd. The pupils will do various presentations  and then in June we will have our big celebrations. We have invited the ex heads to join us as well as Mission agency representatives. We are planning a big meal for ex pupils and parents. It’s been hard trying to find a place that could cater for over 1,000 people! Please keep all these plans in your prayers.

Northern Argentina Rachel & Inan Alberti

The Feeding Centre that Inan and Rachel supervise is just one area of their work in Salta. The feeding centre is for children aged 0-12 years, who live in (or around) Barrio Solidaridad, a less-developed area on the outskirts of the city of Salta. The centre is open on Wednesday and Friday evenings. The aim is not only to provide a plate of food, twice a week, to the children who attend the centre, but to show them the love of God in practical ways. Inan and Rachel aim to provide a safe environment, where the children are given boundaries, where the children can speak to them, where they can pray with them and talk to them about God. Their ultimate aim, of course, is that these children and their families come to know Jesus.

Pray for the smooth-running of the centre, in particular that the children are accompanied to/from the centre by an adult. Pray for the children’s good behaviour at the centre and for spiritual protection for all the team working at the centre. Pray for Rosa, Liliana, Maria, Zenona & Silvana as they serve also in the centre. Pray for  strength and energy (as most of them have young families and also work part or full-time) Pray for wisdom for Inan and Rachel wisdom as they supervise the team and make decisions. May each child and parent have an encounter with God.

Northern Argentina to Peru Cecilia Valdiviezo

Pray for Cecilia this week as she travels to Peru to train local Peruvian leaders in Romance Academy and various other youth related programmes.

Latest News and Prayer Letters

News and prayer letters recently received into the SAMS office:

A New Year’s Prayer …

Dear Father

God of our yesterdays, our today, and our tomorrows.
We praise You for Your unequalled greatness.
Thank You for the year behind us and for the year ahead.
Help us in Your new year, Father, to fret less and laugh more.
To teach our children to laugh by laughing with them.
To teach others to love by loving them.
Knowing, when Love came to the stable in Bethlehem, He came for us.
So that Love could be with us, and we could know You.
That we could share Love with others.
Help us, Father, to hear Your love song in every sunrise,
in the chirping of sparrows in our gardens,
in the stories of our grandparents, and the fantasies of our children.
Help us to stop and listen to Your love songs,
so that we may know You better and better.
We rejoice in the world You loved into being.
Thank You for another new year and for new chances every day.
We pray for South America and may we in 2013 deepen our partnerships with others to share your message of hope.
Forgive us for falling short this past year.
We leave the irreparable past in your hands, and step out into the
unknown new year knowing You will go with us.
We accept Your gift of a new year and we rejoice in what’s ahead,
depending on You to help us do exactly what You want..
I say it again, we rejoice!
In Jesus name,


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