Pray for teaching positions in Chile

As the pastor of St. James Anglican Church in Punta Arenas, Chile I also have responsibility for the British School which is connected to the church (  At present the school is looking for someone to teach Christian Education from preschool classes up to fourth grade. As chaplain to this school I am asking for your help because we urgently need a mission partner to cover this need starting in March of 2012, and from

2013 we need a teacher of Christian Education from fifth to eighth grade.

We are looking for a person with a missionary vision, a committed evangelical Christian with a teacher’s degree.  We believe that the school is an important area of ministry not only among the children and young people, but also among the staff and parents.  We are praying for the right person to fill this important post. Stand with us in prayer. Please contact SAMS  for further details.

Very sincerely,

Rev. Alistair Morrison, Punta Arenas, Chile (Patagonia).

Insane Downhill Bike Race In Chile

The Valparaiso Cerro Abajo Race is a legendary urban bike race and is more extreme than skydiving. The rider must brave jumps, stray dogs, and flights of stairs along the steep downhill path. The first person perspective provided by the excellent helmet cam lets us take in every glorious and frightening detail.

Hannah Taylor – Prayer Letter October 2011

One month in and I can honestly say that Paraguay is beginning to work its charm on me.  It’s an impossible place to describe, I can’t explain what it’s like – it’s old but modern; it’s eccentric but understated; it’s poor and it’s rich; it’s beautiful and it’s plain; it’s exciting but it lacks vibrancy.  I think it’s a “have-to-be-there” situation.  I have tried to explain it, and some of my thoughts and emotions, on my blog: – please feel free to read!

I’ve really appreciated your prayerful support thus far, and I hope to be able to send home regular prayer letters with a brief update on what I’m doing.

School is very busy at the moment with exams and class trips/retreats – I’d appreciate your prayer for school:

For the pupils:

  • for God’s protection in every aspect of their lives.
  • that exam time would be stress-free and that pressure from parents would be minimal
  • for safe and memorable trips, especially for the 3rd Form in their final year of school

For the staff:

  • for energy and enthusiasm to get through the next few busy weeks
  • for wisdom in dealing with difficult pupils and parents
  • that our lives would reflect Jesus and help point our pupils to Him.

Please keep in touch, I love hearing from home!  And of course I’d be more than happy to fill in a bit more detail about what exactly I’m doing.


Postal address:  Colegio San Andres, Casilla 1124, Asunción, Paraguay (although the post here isn’t famed for its reliability!)

Chaco visit 2011

View a video produced by James McPartland about his visit to the Chaco this year.

NOTE: You will require a Microsoft Live,  Hotmail,  Messenger, or Xbox account to be able to login and view the video.

Click here to view video.

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