
Simea Meldrum asks for continuing prayer for many areas which are still without communication and access in North East Brazil after the recent flooding and continuing rain. “We are collecting food for those areas of homelessness and will deliver material and spiritual food. We are trying to organize a group of cars to do this… Please pray for our group. Thanks, and God bless you. Siméa”

Andy and Rose Roberts (mission partners) ask for prayer: “Give thanks for the successful mission team trip to My Father’s House. Give thanks for those boys who made a response during a youth camp and pray that they might continue to grow and mature in their faith. Pray that we might be able to find a suitable house for the project. Give thanks that, due to the delays, we have more time to look for and find a place. Pray for the financial situation of the project which has worsened slightly with the poor exchange rate and that more supporters will be found. Pray for our week’s holiday – for rest and renewal, and of course celebrating our first year of marriage! Pray for Rose and I, for strength to get everything done and for wisdom whilst we’re doing it.”

Northern Argentina

Catherine Drayson writes from Juarez, Northern Argentina for prayer for leadership of the Youth Alpha course they are running; “We had a good Alpha Youth preparation today at 10am, but the youth leader has now pulled out, please pray as we still sense that this Alpha is very much of God. The leaders are really excited about it.”


Pray for the mission partners in Paraguay who will be working with volunteer groups this summer: Caroline Gilmour-White is the Paraguayan based link person for the volunteer visits and will be working with the July group. She coordinates the sewing workshops began by Mission Paraguay in seven venues; Chris Hawksbee who will be working with the Chaco group in August on water storage projects, improvements to Church buildings, new homes and toilet facilities for Indian people; Ed Brice our link missionary who leads the Rio Verde church and supports the Indian pastors in the Chaco churches; Tim Curtis who leads the project to translate the Bible into the Enxet language.


Alf Cooper, mission partner and chaplain to the president of Chile, writes, “Please pray for multiple opportunities that are opening up in the presidential palace to spread the kingdom of God and testify to the name of Jesus.”

Andy and Rose Roberts in Brazil

Give thanks for the successful Mission Team trip and pray for them as they return to the UK.


Give thanks for those boys who made a response during the camp at the farm and pray that they might continue to grow and mature in their faith.


Pray that we might be able to find a suitable house for the project. Give thanks that, due to the delays, we have more time to look for and find a place.


Pray for the financial situation of the project which has worsened slightly with the poor exchange rate and that more supporters will be found.


Pray for our weeks holiday – for rest and renewal, and of course for our first year of marriage!


Pray for Rose and I, for strength to get everything done and for wisdom whilst we’re doing it.


Remember to check out this month’s video update for an even better feel for what’s happening in Brazil. The video is available to see/download from youtube on the following link:


We have also launched a new website which explains a bit about us, our work, the project etc… Do check it out and pass it on to others who are interested in our work:


Thanks again guys for all the prayer and support that you are showing us and the project.



Andy and Rose J


Suffragan Bishop Nick Drayson and Catherine ask prayer for insight into the culture and the church and for language learning and making friends. Nick writes: “There is need for wisdom and hopefully the opportunity for change as we look back on almost 100 years of missionary work here, and build on it for a future in which the Indian church will have to become in some way autonomous.”


Pray for wisdom and discernment from God for Wichi and Toba pastors and leaders, to deepen their understanding of God’s Word and be able to teach and encourage in their communities. Pray for the Holy Spirit to free the people from all that holds them back.


Lift to God those whose lives are dedicated to helping these communities in practical ways: Ana Álvarez, Claudia Lungu and Cristina Vargas and the ASOCIANA team in advocacy and assistance in obtaining health care; Chris and Helena Wallis in literacy; Alec and Ivon Deane with crafts and agriculture.


Lift to God Bishop Peter and Sally Bartlett, praying for daily grace and refreshing in their varied and demanding ministry. May they help others to find spiritual freedom and to mature in Christ through the ‘Growing in Maturity’ course. Pray for leadership development throughout the diocese.


Pray for Assistant Bishop Andrés and Estela Rodriguez, for time for rest and reflection enabling them to maintain God’s perspective in the oversight of churches and children’s clubs in the Concepción area. Pray for new members to be added to the church leadership team and for safety in all their travels.


Ed and Marie Brice ask prayer for Chaco pastors Elvio, Teodoro, Juan and Romualdo studying the Matthew SEAN course. Their time is much in demand by the people and they need our prayers to prioritise their time and complete the study between classes. Pray for Remigio translating SEAN Bible studies into Enxet, and for pastors and leaders to use these in preparing sermons.


Pray about the problem of alcoholism in the Chaco communities, and for those campaigning against the indiscriminate sale of alcohol. A motorbike accident in Rio Verde, which killed a 13 yr old girl, and the murder of a 15 yr old boy in Makxawaya were probably related to alcohol abuse. Pray for the families involved, and for Christians to be salt and light in the darkness.


Pat Blanchard writes from Lima, Peru: “Saturday 10th is the big move day for the Shalom project. Yesterday we finished all the painting so we have a couple of days of cleaning, especially the floors, and some last minute purchases, floor mats for the physical therapy room, cable for the new electrical connections upstairs, curtain rails, to name just a few items! It is all very exciting to finally be moving and to make this a reality. Pray for a good number of helpers for Saturday and for everything to go smoothly, especially for moving the large mirrors! Please pray especially for the Sunday service that we may get some new neighbours and children for Sunday school coming along. We intend to give out flyers in these next few days, new SAMS USA volunteer Amanda is working on these.” Look on the blog ( for more.

Mission Paraguay

Caroline Gilmour-White, preparing to receive the Mission Paraguay teams in Asunción this summer, writes, “TAM [airline] are telling David Orritt, the Mission Paraguay coordinator, that the volunteers can only bring 23kg in luggage from Sao Paolo onwards which is v. tough and inexplicable. When they first booked, they could have two suitcases of 23kg and of course their churches have been piling stuff on for the sewing project and other useful items. Identifying the participants for the sewing workshops is not easy because people from satellite churches want to come and buses are not practical for them. So I have to weigh up whether it’s a) good and beneficial and b) economical (in the Lord’s terms) to get them to come and go in a taxi. This is the last time we can run these workshops in such strength. The Lord is sending volunteers who are such capable, trained people who’ve been beavering away in the background to prepare for the workshops.”


Geison Vasconcellos writes about the Rev Miguel Uchoa in Recife, Brazil: “The diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma was confirmed (in the Bony Medulla). He is still in the hospital for beginning of the treatment, but he should go home in the beginning of next week, and to continue the treatment at home. The good news is that the pains began to be controlled and he feels already very better and he has been getting to sleep well. We are very concerned, but confident! Please keep your intercession network mobilized in his power, Geison”

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