Thank God for the work of Gonzalo Soria in Fray Bentos in Uruguay, and praise him for all the ministries that he works with. Pray that these would grow in maturity and would also grow those involved in their walk with Jesus.
Thank God for the work of Gonzalo Soria in Fray Bentos in Uruguay, and praise him for all the ministries that he works with. Pray that these would grow in maturity and would also grow those involved in their walk with Jesus.
Praise God for the work of short termer Lara Clare Bourdeaux as she comes towards her time at St Andrew’s School in Asunción in Paraguay. Pray for those she has been working with in the school and the local church, and for the recent youth event (EJE) which was very encouraging for all involved, that the young people who attended would continue to seek God and grow in their faith.
Northern Argentina Please pray for Charles and Lynn Barr Johnston as they run bible studies as Lynn has not been well recently and Charles has had a fall. Please pray for wisdom and safety for Andrew Leake and those he works alongside as he is involved in protecting land rights and advocacy for local people in deforestation issues, and as he works on a new project called Land for Life.
Argentina – Pray for Zewe Chamunda, short termer working in an orphanage in Buenos Aires as she spends her last month on her placement. Pray that she will finish well and make the most of the time she has left on her placement.
Brazil – Pray for Ian and Simea Meldrum as Ian receives chemotherapy treatment. Please pray as the Health Plan that he is with have made this process very difficult. Pray for health for Ian and peace of mind for Simea.
Chile – Pray for Cristóbal Cerón and his family as they plant a church in Santiago with students. Pray that the church grows in maturity as well as numbers. Thank God for the leaders he is raising up in Chile and pray that he will raise up many more.
Some news prayer letters recently received into the SAMS office:
Uphold in prayer Bishop Greg and Sylvia Venables, for Bishop Greg in his pastoral oversight in the two Argentine dioceses, his leadership in the Southern Cone. Pray for God’s guidance, wisdom, and discernment.
Thank God for the care given to children in the Hogar el Alba orphanage and pray for the staff, for volunteer Zewe Chamunda, visiting doctors and teachers, that all may bring God’s love to needy young people.
Remember the diocesan office staff, Oswaldo Balvín and Cora Wilkie, praying for God’s grace and enabling in their daily work.
Pray for grace and energy for Mario and Paula Ágreda, Manuel and Maite, in Buenos Aires. Mario is assistant pastor at Good Shepherd Church, Villa Devoto, where he oversees home groups and disciples young people, as well as giving support to the parish of Holy Trinity, Lomas who are without a pastor.
Dear all,
Hello from Paraguay! I would really appreciate it if you could remember me in your prayers during my last month in Paraguay. Below are some of the particular requests that are important to pray for regarding everything that’s going on here in Asuncion, so take your pick! Thank you for your support and love.
Praise points: The united youth service held a few weeks ago in the Cathedral here was a real success and many people came. Thanks for the English services of morning praise in the chapel, and for the group of faithful intercessors who regularly attend and pull together to make a very meaningful service. Positive changes happening within the three St Andrews congregations. For how much I personally am learning from my time here and that I am happy in my new lodgings
Prayer points: For two members of San Andres 7pm who have just officially left the church, that God would guide them in their decision of where to go next. For the three St. Andrews congregations in this time of change, especially for wisdom, vision, and maturity. For new attendees that have been coming, for encouragement. Nicky and Ronnie Irene, Bishop Pete and Sally all helping leaders and potential leaders mature in their faith. For the Maidana family for renewal and health. For Ruth- new volunteer who is on her way (arrives next week). For all the young people who attended the Youth Encounter in the Spirit weekend, EJE, that they would continue to seek God and come to the reunions and know how blessed they are. For Esperanza children’s’ home in this time of financial difficulties. For the English teachers in school and for pupils in the upper school who have exams now. For me that I would be able to make the most out of my last month here, that God would encourage me in times when I’m just looking forward to going home to get everything out of it while I can here, and that he would continue to use me in and outside of the teaching. Especially through the singing lessons that I am giving now to two people outside of school hours.
Some news prayer letters recently received into the SAMS office:
For some years Diocesan Bishop Miguel Tamayo has undertaken extra Episcopal duties in his native Cuba which was without a bishop. Praise God that the church in Cuba has reached agreement and now has its own bishop. Pray for Miguel and his wife Martha, the clergy, leaders and congregations in Uruguay, for new energy and vision.
Pray for Gonzalo & Leticia Soria, Abril & Guillermina and the church in Fray Bentos, for growth and encouragement through home groups for prayer and Bible study, and outreach into the community through workshops for help with homework, cooking and crafts.
Pray for Lara Clare Bourdeaux as she spends her last few weeks at St Andrew’s School in Asuncion. Give thanks that she has enjoyed her time there and pray for her as she returns to the UK to finish her studies next month. Please pray for Ed and Marie Brice as they work with local churches. Give praise for the SEAN Matthew course which local pastors have been studying, and for resources now available to the people Ed and Marie work with in their own language of Enxet. Pray for them as they share Jesus with those they minister to.