Update on Jordan Wilson’s travel situation.

Jordan is now stranded in Madrid.  There is no sign of any Navy boat home and no flights for several days to come. Thankfully Jordan is now in a group of 4 so she has plenty of company and her mum was able to send money via the Western Union Office in Madrid airport which she has already collected. Pray for Jordan as she tries to make her way to Paris and from there to Calais and then on a ferry to England!


Pray for Bishop Frank & Shawnee Lyons for God’s vision in meeting the challenges faced by the diocese. Praise God for the return of Raphael & Michelle Samuel to Bolivia after two years back in Singapore.

Pray for Lico & Rosa Bascuñán pastoring the two congregations in Santa Cruz and seeking to bring practical help in a poor area. Pray for Pastor Walter Toro and the ministry and outreach of La Trinidad

Church in Cochabamba. Ask the Lord to guide Martín & Carla Flores and Pedro Villareal in their leadership of the church of Cristo Salvador, La Paz, so that every member is encouraged and equipped to serve God in that city.

Brazil & Paraguay


After the serious floods, leaving 150 people dead in Rio de Janeiro, David Weller asks for prayers for those grieving and those whose homes have been destroyed. There has been only minor damage to the church building. Praise God for the safe arrival of mission partners Marcus and Tamara Throup’s daughter Rebekah, born on 28 March weighing 6lbs 8oz.




Travel Chaos

Pray for Bishop Ken Clarke who has made it from Brazil to Portugal but is finding it difficult to make the journey from Portugal to Ireland.


Pray for Jordan Wilson our Red Box volunteer who is flying tonight from Argentina to Spain and then hopefully being transported from Spain to England with the Royal Navy. Pray for the remaining journey home.


Pray for Gwen Carlisle and Mags Southern and give thanks that a new classroom is to be built with a gift of funding from a church in England. Please pray for the school camps planned for the older pupils, where they hope to go up to the Chaco and help build latrines and paint a school. They are dependent on the weather to be able to go into this area.

Pray also for the staff of FEISA teacher the training college in Asuncion and give thanks for each of the 25 students they have enrolled in the first year, especially given the economic situation in the country which is stopping young people from studying at university. Thanks to the donations received it has been possible to give scholarships to 12 students. Despite this help the economic need is very great and although most of the students work it is difficult for them to cover the costs of their studies. Please pray that they might be strong and healthy and so not need to spend money on medicines, that they might administer their money well and that they might receive good wages for their work.

Pray for Caroline Gilmour-White and give thanks for the books she was able to buy in Buenos Aires on her return from home leave, for use in the mobile library at the diocesan office in Asuncion. They have just finished painting the library and offices to look their best, in time for the launch of a first ever course in spiritual maturity for the mobile library readers and other church folk, starting after Easter. Please pray that the hunger many church members experienced for books last year would lead them to take up this offer of training in the city centre.

Pray for Ronald Irene from Asuncion, where he and the family are settling into their new ministry, home and school. Please give thanks that their house is now furnished mainly with donated furniture. Ronald is involved in leading two congregations at the Cathedral church – one Spanish and one English-speaking. He is also chaplain at San Andres School, giving talks, leading services and offering pastoral counselling – he asks for prayer as there is a lot of work to do. The family’s most important current need is for a car as their home is some distance from the school and church. Please pray with them that a vehicle will be provided, and also for the family’s health as Ronald and their youngest son have not been too well since their move from Bolivia.


Brazilian authorities began destroying homes in some of Rio’s slums after deeming them at risk from mudslides, following floods last week that killed 229 people in the city. Rio mayor Eduardo Paes confirmed that the city would demolish at-risk homes, and warned that 4,000 families in seven slums would be forced to leave their districts in coming days. The heavy rain and flooding last week killed 146 people in Niteroi, a satellite agglomeration of Rio, and 63 in the city itself, according to emergency services. Searches continue for another 200 people still missing. Pray for the church in this area as it works with local people in challenging circumstances.

Cecilia in Argentina

Hello everyone!


Well, first of all I must apologise because it has taken me almost a week to make contact! Believe me I was like mad trying to organise my house!!!!….lol…I haven’t cleaned it for 2 months!!!…lol


My friends, you know that every time I come back home my heart is divided between Ireland and my Argentina, but I do believe this is where God wants me to be. On the other hand I am thankful for having the opportunity to be with all of you every year and share with all of you my story…that now is part of your story!


Once again, thank you for so much love, for caring about me and my people and for your heart in Latin-American!


Prayer points.

Thank God for my time in Ireland.

Thank God for my safe travelling.

For my Bible Studies at home so this year my kids can commit their lives to Him.

For the situation in Santiago del Estero, so the rain stops and the people can receive the help they need.

My activities in the church (ministry with women and teenagers)

For safe travelling to Bolivia.


Your are in my heart…once again thank you for letting me be part of your life.


Many Blessing



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