Mission Paraguay News
Another recent news item received into the SAMS office:
Sue Woodcock Prayer Letter
Another prayer letter received into the SAMS office:
Latest Prayer letters
Recent prayer letters received into the SAMS office:
Latest news and prayer letters
Some news and prayer letters received into the SAMS office:
Recent prayer letters
Some prayer letters received into the SAMS office:
Update on land issues in Northern Argentina
There is some significant progress with the claim being made by 40 Indian communities for legal title over lands along the River Pilcomayo (Province of Salta). A long-term dispute over the territory with criollos (Spanish speaking settlers) is now being addressed by the government. It is hoped that the 600,000 hectares in question will be distributed between both groups, with the Indians getting 400,000 and the criollos the remainder.
Communities southeast of Tartagal have successfully brought a halt to deforestation on their ancestral territories. This was achieved through a court injunction, which has sent shock waves through the farming community.The above measure came with a price. The ban on deforestation included logging operations. As many Indians are involved in the wood-cutting trade, a number of them have suddenly found they are without work while the ban is in place.
All of the above is taking place in a context in which Salta has finally set out a land use policy for the province. This is something we have been arguing for, along with other NGOs, and it is gratifying to see that the first steps are being taken in that direction. As things stand, the government has proposed that landowners in areas inhabited and used by Indians will not be able to deforest their properties. They can use them for forestry and other activities, but not extensive agriculture.
We trust and pray that these positive moves continue and develop. There are still many Indian communities (more than half of the 23,000 we work with) who do not have land rights secured. Most of those that do have some land secured do not have enough, so there is still much to be accomplished in this regard.
News and Prayer
On Thursday (27th) the Yáñez family return to Spain after two months in the UK. Please uphold Felipe & Sarah taking up a ministry of hospitality and also working among immigrants in the Málaga area. Pray for suitable accommodation for them, and for sons Samuel & Aaron as the school year starts on 7 September.
From 31st August to 4th September SAMS and CMS will be among the exhibitors at the 2009 Forum of the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF), held in Shropshire under the title ‘Mobilising CU Leaders for Mission’. Pray for many student leaders to be impacted by the information and challenges on offer, and uphold the representatives who include Bob Lunt and Jo Hazelton.
On Friday 4 September Latin Partner Cristóbal Cerón flies out from Chile for a three-week visit to UK churches and Roadshow. Pray for him in this venture and for wife Alejandra and daughters Belén and Jacinta in Santiago.
Please continue to pray for Nick & Catherine Drayson, now in Guernsey, as they pack and prepare to serve once again in Northern Argentina. They fly on 12 September.
Finally, please keep in your prayers Barbara Kitchin, long-serving former missionary in Northern Argentina, who is unwell at the moment.
More prayer letters
Some more prayer letters received into the SAMS office:
Latest news and prayer letters
Some news and prayer letters received into the SAMS office: