Sams prayerline

The latest SAMS GB Prayer Line for the week commencing Tuesday 2 December

On Saturday SAMS GB General Council voted overwhelmingly to approve in principle a merger of SAMS with CMS. [Note: this does not affect SAMS Ireland) CMS members will vote on the issue on 20 January. Give thanks for God’s clear leading and pray for the Trustees and staff, including from 1st January new Mission Director Bishop Henry Scriven, as this decision begins to be worked out.

Nick Drayson, former mission partner in Northern Argentina and Spain, has been appointed Assistant Bishop in Northern Argentina with special oversight of the Indian work. Pray for Nick and Catherine as they take up the new post sometime in 2009.

In that area Michael Browne, Silvia and their two boys plan to spend most of December in the town of Juárez in the Chaco, making a final push to complete the checking process of the Toba New Testament translation. Pray for them in this work as they prepare the text for handing over to the Argentine Bible Society for typesetting and publishing.

Linn Tedman in Paraguay is having physiotherapy for an injured back. On 13 December Linn is due to visit her sister and family in South Africa for the first time in nine years, and asks prayer that the treatment will relieve the pain enough for her to prepare, pack, travel and enjoy this holiday.

In Concepción, Paraguay, we are asked to pray for God’s light to penetrate the spiritual darkness and bring people into his Kingdom. On Friday (5th) a Nativity play is held for children in the Ramonita and Villa Alta neighbourhoods. As we pray for the impact of this, let’s thank God for Claire Holmes’ ministry there to children and young people, and remember her especially as she flies out on Monday (8th) for home leave and ministry in Ireland.

Also travelling from Paraguay, on Saturday, is Caroline Gilmour-White who will be on UK ministry until early March. Pray for Caroline in travel and readjustment.

Daniel and Flavia Lescano visit N Ireland

Dani and Flavia LescanoDaniel and Flavia Lescano visited Northern Ireland this weekend. They come from Salta in Argentina and are currently studying theology in Buenos Aires Bible Institute.

The couple are the newest link with SAMS Ireland and we will follow them through Bible College over the next three years. They will be linked with St. John’s Parish in Moria. They visited the parish today and Daniel preached at three services and a youth meeting.

When asked what they thought about Ireland they said that it was cold! They day they visited began with a frost of -3C. It gets that cold in Salta at times, but daytime temperatures rise to the mid 20s even in winter.

They also were impressed with the friendliness and family values of people here. Daniel was very touched with the faithfulness of praying people, and the interest in mission. He said, “The sense of mission is very strong here. I met someone who said I’ve prayed for you every day for the last three years. And the thing is we can feel it. There were many times we said, if God wasn’t here this would not have happened. We can feel the prayers of faithful people.”

Since the SAMS Ireland team visited in July the Lescanos held another Youth Encounter (EJE) in Salta. This time over 100 young people attended one of the most successful events they have seen. Many young people have come to faith and are members of the church by an initial invitation to EJE. The Lescaons asked for prayer for this on-going ministry.

They also asked for wisdom to balance time demands on their Latin Link ministry and Biblical studies.

They really enjoyed their visit and are looking forward to hopefully seeing us in Ireland sometime in the future.

Buena Vista no. 2

We have just published the latest Buena Vista, issue number 2. This edition focuses on:

  • Claire Holmes
  • Sewing projects in Paraguay
  • BTN trips
  • Red Box, and
  • Fusion volunteer David Alanis

To download Buena Vista 2 click on the image below. It’s a 6MB PDF file.
Buena Vista 2


The latest SAMS GB prayer line:

Let’s give praise for answered prayer in response to the Youth Encounter weekend last month in Salta, Northern Argentina. At least 4 young people made a profession of faith in Christ, others expressed real interest to consider the implications and others made renewed commitments. Pray for them.

Praise God too for answers to prayer at the two women´s retreats held recently in Lima and Arequipa, Peru. Penny Marcés asks us to pray that the challenge to serve isn´t forgotten back in the normal routine of life.

Still in Peru, please continue to pray for the health of Bishop Bill Godfrey. Bill has been undergoing surgery in Florida to try to resolve the wound sinus from last year’s operation. Pray that this will resolve this aspect of the problem; and keep Bill and his wife Judith in prayer.

Sue Woodcock is encouraged by good worship and a growing congregation in Sabadell, northeast Spain. One result is a new monthly meeting for folk between 20 and 35 years of age starting this Saturday (15th). Sue asks us to pray for this group to gel and for deep fellowship as they get to know one another and share together.?
Sue also requests prayer for a conference address she is giving in one of the Barcelona universities on Friday (14th), with a repeat in a different context on Wednesday 19th. It’s an opportunity to proclaim good news with sensitivity, so please pray.

Finally, end-of-year exams for 1st and 2nd years at FEISA teacher training college in Asunción, Paraguay, begin next Monday (17th), continuing for three weeks. Please keep students and staff in your prayers.

Friday Night Live – 6th Feb 2009

The SAMS team are busy preparing the next Friday Night Live 2009. This year the event has had to move to a larger venue – the Craigavon Civic Centre – due to the enormous interest last year.

Another exciting programme is planned. Ckick the image below to download the invitation for more details.

Friday Night Live 2009

SAMS Prayer line

The latest prayer line from SAMS GB.

Pupils in the Primary Department of St Andrew’s School in Asunción, Paraguay, are beginning their end-of-year exams this week. Please pray for them and their teachers.

Associate Mission Partners Stuart & Kathryn Broughton are seeking new working visas to continue their ministry among Portuguese speakers in Sydney, Australia. They expected to be notified by the end of October, but are yet to hear a response to their application, so please pray.

On Friday (7th) the annual distribution of wheelchairs begins in Lima, Peru, in conjunction with the Peruvian charity Corazones Unidos. Pat Blanchard, whose Shalom ministry to the disabled has grown encouragingly, will be involved. Please pray.

And three events in northeast Brazil for our prayers:

Ruth Hollingdale Vilella asks us to pray for a big thanksgiving service and party on Thursday (6th) for all ex-participants of the pregnancy group at the House of Hope project in Recife, together with their babies
a youth conference this weekend on the theme of celibacy before marriage, with ten young people from Siméa & Ian Meldrum’s church of Living Waters in Olinda attending
Siméa herself is speaking at a diocesan conference for women on Saturday in João Pessoa on the subject, ‘Breaking the poverty cycle’.

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