Tim Curtis writes on Makxawáya church

Makxawáya churchThe people in Makxawáya church put the section of roof blown off back on, in August, just a day or two after I went in with David Orrit and Rev Peter Hunter. They have done a very temporary sort of repair, with bits of sky visible from the inside of the church, and some of the wall near the roof missing some bits! The wedding on Sunday August 10th went ahead and none of the guests mentioned the roof!
Chris Hawksbee has been in Mak today with Caroline Gilmore-White and a couple from one of Chris’s supporting churches. I think they were probably going to look at the church and see what needed doing. The people in Mak keep asking me when proper repairs are going to be done!
I shall be in Mak this weekend, taking young folk / musicians to a couple of weddings in El Estribo, weather permitting. Rain is forecast.

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Prayer line

SAMS GB Prayer line for this week:

… starts as a Praise Line. Thank you, first of all, for praying at the end of September for the visit of Murray & Penny Metcalfe and family to Buenos Aires. Their trip from Asunción in search of British documentation for their adopted Paraguayan children was successful, with visas granted and passports forthcoming. Let’s praise God for this, and pray for the Metcalfes as they prepare to leave Paraguay in December after many years’ service.

Secondly, Marcus & Tamara Throup thank us for prayers for the men’s Cursilho event in João Pessoa, Brazil, in mid-October. 39 men attended and many gave their lives to the Lord, including an atheist who was baptised at the end of the event. So again let’s give God the praise, and continue to remember those men in prayer.

Tomorrow in Reus in northeast Spain a meeting is held between Sue Woodcock from Sabadell, Rafa Arencón from Reus itself, Peter Jordan and English chaplains to discuss the development of Anglican ministry in the region. Please pray for this gathering and its outcome.

Jill Ball returned to Ecuador two weeks ago after UK leave. Pray for Jill in resumption of her ministry to the disabled and marginalised of the Santo Domingo area.

Finally, a reminder to keep in prayer:

* this weekend’s retreat for women of the Diocese of Peru, held in Arequipa and involving Penny Marcés
* Richard Crofts of SAMS GB who is himself in Peru until Monday (3rd) when he moves to Brazil
* Walter Barrientos in Bolivia, continuing his treatment for cancer of the larynx.


Latest prayerline from SAMS GB

Praise God for rain at last in the Paraguayan Chaco! This includes the area of El Estribo where the third year students from FEISA Teacher Training College are going tomorrow and Wednesday as part of their teaching practice commitments. They will give the 9 schools some resources they have made, paint a classroom and do some games. Please pray for this visit to be a blessing as much for the students as for the community.

Then on Friday and Saturday a workshop is held there for primary and Sunday school teachers on the use of the children’s Bible resources recently produced by FEISA in the Enxet language.

On Thursday Terry and Pancha Barratt fly out for the first SEAN graduation in mainland China; the programme is growing and students number in the thousands. Terry and Pancha return on 1st November; pray for them and all involved in this special event.

This coming weekend the Diocese of Peru holds a women’s retreat in Lima, followed by another in Arequipa the following weekend. The theme is ‘Healed to serve’, and Penny Marcés is one of the organisers and speakers. Remember Penny and all the women gathered over these weekends.
Looking ahead to next week, Thanksgiving Services for Bob Drayson and Derek Hawksbee take place on Tuesday (28th) and Wednesday (29th) in Sandhurst and Tunbridge Wells respectively (see website for details). Please remember their families over this period.

Boystown Orphanage


Boystown orphanage boysFifty years ago Boys Town was founded by the Revd. K. Riebs, at that time Chaplain to the English congregation at Christ Church, with the objective of rescuing abandoned boys from the streets of Rio de Janeiro and giving them a home and education to prepare them for life and avoid them falling into a life of crime. A site was obtained in the mountains in Araras, near Petropolis, away from the pollution and temptations of the city, where 68, or more, boys would live and go to school, and an Orphanage was established.

A school was started in Araras, by the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brasil, which continues to function very well today, and where all these 68 boys were able to study.

Therefore, many people are rightly asking, why Boys Town only has 14 boys resident today, despite the fact that the school is functioning very well.

I first came to know Boys Town in 1975 when it was very ably run internally by Edgar and Amy Nichols, a SAMS missionary couple with help from Revd. John Saunders and his wife Judith. A Board of Directors from the Brazilian Anglican Episcopal Church took care of the financial and business administration from the Diocese of Rio de Janeiro. I became a member of this Board of Directors shortly after that time and have remained on the Board ever since.

In 1975 we had about 67 boys occupying the older buildings and also enjoying newer buildings which had just been completed. After Edgar Nichols died suddenly, the Board of Directors was faced with the problem of finding someone to continue as internal administrator. Several people tried for short periods and much of that time involved the then treasurer, Mrs. Irene Steinberg, and myself on occasion, spending time at the Home caring for the everyday needs of the boys. Finally we found a couple who were able to live there and take over the internal administration, which they did for some 20 years, until retiring a few years ago. Since then the Board has continued with the work employing various internal administrators, but many things have changed.

In 1990 a Federal Law was passed bringing in the “Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente” known as ECA. All child care institutions are governed by this Statute, which although well intentioned often defeats the purpose, making it impossible for an NGO to comply with all the rules and regulations governing child care. The cost of caring for each child has been more than trebled for us because of the exigencies of these laws which include the necessity of employing professional staff, such as psychologist, nutritionist and social worker, as well as the normal people needed to care for a large “family”, 24 hours, 7 days a week but who, by law, can only work for so many hours at a time!

Officially the word – orphanage – no longer exists! It is now a “Shelter” and a child may only be “kept” there for a limited time with every attempt being made to return the child to family or find a substitute family (adoption). This in itself is good, but often to return a child to his family requires a great deal of work with that family, sometimes helping the family to larger and better accommodation, treatment for parents with problems (alcohol and drug abuse), providing a “cesta basica”, finding employment for them as well as making sure that the child is adequately cared for, not left on the street to his own devices, while his parents are working. This last is part of our new objective to provide this help to boys and their families, we are working towards a program of Day Care, where children can come to Boys Town in the morning or afternoon when they are not at regular school, enjoy a good meal, and receive help from qualified teachers in their studies as well as extracurricular activities.

At this moment we only have 14 boys living at Boys Town, but on the premises we have a lively pre-school program, are developing a crèche as well as the Day Care. We hope to have at least 40 children benefitting from these new outreaches by the beginning of next year.

A final point, owing to limitations of judicial areas we are no longer able to receive boys from any other municipal area but Petropolis, which includes Araras, therefore the original objective of Rev. Riebs of rescuing boys from Rio is no longer possible, in fact we had a year long fight over one little boy who was very happy with us, but was not allowed to stay because he came from another municipality! So that is why we are having to change our objectives, but we hope to continue to rescue children, and their whole families, with the help of our faithful supporters during all these years.

Noreen Smith.

SAMS Prayerline

The latest SAMS GB prayer line:

It’s been a shock to hear that Walter Barrientos, pastor of the new Anglican church in Tarija, Bolivia, is suffering from cancer of the larynx. Please uphold Walter, Sandra and their three young children as he has just started six months’ chemotherapy. Tarija is the church featured in the SAMS autumn project.

From Thursday (16th) to Sunday a Cursilho evangelistic event for men takes place in João Pessoa, Brazil; Marcus & Tamara Throup ask prayer that many will come to the Lord through this.

In Chile César Guzmán, currently Director of the Centre for Pastoral Studies (CEP), has been named pastor of the new church in Peñalolén, Santiago, planted by members of Alf Cooper’s congregation, La Trinidad in Las Condes. Pray for César and his wife Ana María as they prepare to take up this exciting challenge in 2009.

Sue Woodcock in northeast Spain reports an overwhelming number of immigrants coming to the food bank and so gives thanks for a delivery of over 2000kg from the European Union. Sue asks prayer for the team that runs this ministry, as it’s a demanding task every Monday.

Megan Johnston’s blog

Megan and CescillaMegan Johnston has started a blog on her experience with the Red Box project in Argentina! Here is a snipit.

Well I returned safe and sound after a 6 day conference to Misa Rumi on the Argentine/Bolivian Boarder. It was quite an experience to be honest! During the main conferences I taught 54 children in total, basically the Happy Hours that I mentioned before. Alot of Games, Songs and teachings which was really great. Although the children where soo shy as its a very traditional place so sometimes it felt like I was doing all the talking…no change there I suppose!

Read more in her blog. More about Megan.

Prayer Line

The latest SAMS GB prayer line:

This weekend two churches celebrate anniversaries. On Sunday (12th) the Església de Crist in Sabadell, Spain, pastored by Sue Woodcock, holds a special service for its 105th birthday, while from Saturday (11th) the very much younger congregation of Living Waters in Olinda, Brazil, begins a celebration lasting over a week, including children’s outings, competitions, and services on the rubbish dump and in church. Siméa & Ian Meldrum pastor this church. Pray for God’s blessing on everyone through these celebrations.

Also this weekend the Diocese of Northern Argentina holds its ninth EJE (Youth Encounter), starting on Friday. Pray for the leadership team and for the young people invited, that many will have an authentic encounter with the Lord.

Finally, please continue to remember the critical need for rain to end the drought in the Paraguayan Chaco.

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