Argentina’s Supreme Court of Justice orders a 90-day cessation of deforestation in the Province of Salta

Yesterday (26 March) the Court ordered the provincial government to suspend permits granted for the removal of around a million hectares of native forest in the departments of Orán, San Martín, Rivadavia and Santa Victoria until a study can be made of the effect of deforestation on the environment.

The Court understood that while the granting of each permit had taken into consideration its environmental impact, no study had been made concerning the cumulative effect of all the permits.

It added that “the effect of the removal of around a million hectares is something that cannot be ignored and, in the words of the representative of the national Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainable Development at the public hearing of 18 February, it will certainly be negative”.

This decision extended the cautionary measure given on 29 December and ordered the suspension of all permits, not only those granted in the last quarter of 2007.

In addition, “it warned of the clear danger of serious damage with the possibility of significant climate change in the region, affecting not only the present occupants of the land but future generations as well. Such damage would be irreversible, as there would be no way to return things to how they were before. Care of the environment is not the enemy of development and progress; rather, the two are complementary as environmental care brings lasting enjoyment for future generations.”

The Court stated that the study should be carried out by the Province of Salta together with the national Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainable Development, “with extensive participation from the communities living in the area affected”.

Prayer Requests from Charles and Lynn Barr Johnston in Northern Argentina.

Prayer Requests from Charles and Lynn Barr Johnston in Northern Argentina.

Thank you again very much for praying for us. Thank you also very much for sending us Christmas cards and letters or emails. We are very grateful for them all, and thank the Lord for you all, even though we have not been able to answer many of them.

Please continue to pray for our son Nick and his wife Nicky, with their children Sadie and Cally. They visited the UK and Nicky’s parents Ken and Gail over Christmas and the New Year. Pray for Nick and his work in Japan, at what must be a very difficult time for all who work in banks. Pray also for our daughter Susan and her husband Emmanuel. They went to Liberia for Christmas and the New Year to visit Emmanuel’s mother, who he had not seen for many years. Emmanuel gave up his job to be able to stay with his mother into February. Pray that he may be able to get another job when he comes back to Switzerland. Susan returned early in January, to continue teaching Biology in her school.

On the last Monday of 2008 at about 9pm while walking fast I tripped over a bike rack I did not see, and was thrown into the street landing on my left hip. As I could not stand, a passerby took me in his truck to the hospital near our house. 3 X-rays showed that no bones were broken. I was there until Tuesday after lunch when, with Ester’s help, I was able to leave the hospital with crutches which Alec hired for me. I managed to get up the stairs to our flat, where I stayed till last Friday (16th January). I have a huge bruise around my hip, with a thick line going down the leg, but now it is much smaller and purple rather than black. Now I am able to walk slowly without crutches, but Lynn walks much faster and further than I can. Please pray for healing for us both.

Pray also for the 2 families who have been looking after us, who we also try to help pastorally from the Bible. One of them is our home help Ester. She usually comes 3 afternoons a week, but when I could not get about, she came far more often. We were in her house for their Christmas Eve celebrations. The other family is that of Blas, Liliana the Bishop’s secretary, and their teenage son Facu. A car ran into Blas’s taxi at high speed at a road junction. They are now blaming Blas. Pray that justice may be done. Blas, Liliana and Facu came to our house for their New Year Celebration.

Please pray for 2 young people’s camps which will soon start in January and for their follow up. One is in Yema. It is led by Vicar Tuqui, and Ricardo with Saturnino helping. The other is in La Caldera near to Salta. It is led by Deacon Miguel from the Principe de Paz church and Rene Pereira from Juarez. Saturnino had an accident in his farming work a few months ago. He has just recovered enough to be made a watchman for the property of the farm. Please pray for him and his wife Elisa and their 3 young children. He seemed a very promising active new believer and leader. Suddenly in the accident he got a physical disability which has laid him off work for several months.

It seems that finally a vehicle will soon be bought for the ministry of Vicar Tuqui with the project money of 2004. Please pray for guidance that the right vehicle may be bought.

Please also pray for Vicar Narciso, who is teaching and discipling 30 young believers using the SEAN Abundant Life Course.

South America comes to Armagh!

Please pray for Rev Malcolm Kingston, and the local parishes of Kilmore and St. Saviours as they host a special South American Long Weekend taking place from February 6th to 11th. The planned programme is extensive, fun and focussed on mission matters here at home and overseas.

Fri, 6th Feb (7.30pm) : SAMS Friday Night Live in Craigavon Civic    Centre.  This annual celebration event never disappoints!  Peter and Cecilia will take part, as will the Shankill Parish Worship Group, Bishop Ken Clarke and Rev. Dr Maurice Elliott.

Sat, 7th Feb (7.30pm) : Salsa Night with Cecilia in Kilmore Parish Centre. Have you been inspired by the Latin Dances on Strictly Come Dancing, then ladies and gentlemen, come along for a lot of fun!

Sunday, 8th Feb : Morning Worship in both churches with Peter & Sally Bartlett, followed by BBQ in St Saviour’s Hall.

Sunday, 8th Feb, 7pm : Evening Worship with Cecilia in St Saviour’s.

Mon, 9th Feb, 7.30 – 8pm  : A meeting of Refresh (youth group for those of Secondary School age plus) with a South American theme,  in Kilmore Parish Centre.

Tues, 10th Feb : Church Girl’s Brigade South America Night in St Saviour’s Hall. All girls are most welcome! 

Greetings from Helen King – Red Box Project!

25th December 2008

To my very wonderful family and friends….

Hola from sunny (and slightly thundery) Salta!! This is my very first time bein in the southern hemisphere for Christmas and also I think the 1st time I’ve ever written a Christmas letter. (apart from those to Santa Claus)

Well as the muppets would say, there’s only one more sleep til Christmas. Although this year for me it’ll be quite different…no turkey dinner, no freezing/rainy weather, not bein with the familia , bein in a different hemisphere, there’s one thing that’s the same!!The reason we celebrate…the amazin fact that Jesus came to earth as a baby FOR US!! ‘She will have a son, and they will name him “Immanuel” which means ‘God is with us’! How excitin!!!!

They actually do most of the celebrating here on Christmas eve…today!!woohooo! In true Argentina style they start late at night and finish early in the morning!! Thats my favourite kind!! Although they don’t have church here on Christmas day, I’ve been part of a Nativity play as Mary and the other night a load of our church ones were playing CHRISTMAS CAROLS in the main plaze in town!beautiful!!

It’s going to be strange not being able to see you all and wish you Merry Christmas in person but know that I’ll be thinking of you and even if I’m enjoying Christmas here (which I’m sure I will be!) there’ll be a big part of me missing you and wondering whats goin on with each of you on Christmas day!Make sure you all enjoy some extra mince pies or roses chocolates or M&S Christmas food on my behalf!!(mmmmmm) I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and really feel God’s love and peace all around you! Don’t fofget that He is the reason we have this amazin season!!




Lots of Christmas love and hugs!

Helen xxx

Northern Argentina

Hugo Vergara has had many varied journeys of late. “My last and very complicated trip was to a church 120 kilometers from Juárez, deep in the Chaco, in the community of El Quemado. It took 3 hours on a very dusty road and at three o’clock in the afternoon it was 45°C. We arrived at 7am when the sun was already burning in a very blue sky. It is a town of roughly 300 people where no one knows about a global crisis. The service started two hours later and the small room was crowded with about 30 people; we sang for about half an hour and Pastor Juan from Juárez introduced me, saying Hugo is ready to preach and share about the Bible – just when I was about to faint through the terrible temperature inside the room! Pray for us this Christmas in Northern Argentina as we travel and resource the Church in various places.

Prayer line from SAMS GB

We begin by praising God for some news received this morning from Sandra Barrientos in Tarija, Bolivia. Her husband Walter had his second round of treatment for throat cancer last month; it took place in Córdoba, Argentina, and involved a new procedure performed with a laser. The tumour was reduced by 68%, way above expectations. Sandra and Walter thank us warmly for our prayers and encourage us to pray on for Walter’s full recovery.

Last week the new Anglican church for the Pehuenche communities of Alto Bío Bío in southern Chile was dedicated in Cauñicú. Bishop Abelino Apeleo conducted the service, with Terry Barratt and members of other churches present. Praise God for this and pray for the Pehuenche people and their leaders, including Gumercindo Queupil. A group of leaders also took the final exam of the SEAN Level 2 course, with an 80% success rate.

Finally, some arrivals this week:

  • on Thursday (18th) Gwen Carlisle and Mags Southern, Head and Deputy Head of St Andrew’s School in Asunción, Paraguay, arrive in the UK for a short period of leave
  • on Friday (19th) Bishop Henry Scriven and his wife Catherine fly in from the USA in preparation for Henry to take on the role of SAMS Mission Director from 1st January
    and on Saturday (20th) Efraim Vilella, husband of Ruth Hollingdale, arrives from Brazil to join her here for a month.
  • and on Saturday (20th) Efraim Vilella, husband of Ruth Hollingdale, arrives from Brazil to join her here for a month.

Pray for their journeys, adjustment to the British winter and subsequent ministries.

Prayer request from Alec Dean in Argentina

A simple insight into the challenges of sharing the love of Christ in tragic circumstances.

DanielI went last week to the Pilcomayo river to see if I can help with job creation through crafts. Río Pilcomayo is a river in the central parts of South America, longest western tributary of the Paraguay River, and its watershed extends across 270,000 km². The Pilcomayo rises in the foothills of the Andes cordillera, between the Bolivian departments of Potosí and Oruro, east of Poopó Lake. From there it flows in a southeasterly direction 2,000 km through Chuquisaca and Tarija departments, passes through the Argentine province of Formosa and the Gran Chaco plains of Paraguay, forming the border between these two countries before it joins the Paraguay River near Asunción.

I visited very poor communities far from the river. The kid in the photo doesn’t know his age or his surname; he is 8 but never has gone to school. Very sad. His dad is in the other photo with the dry “water hole”. The authorities dump water in this dug out hole but the plastic is broken and the water disappears. It was 47 degrees Celsius my friends… and with no water!!! It drives me up the wall only to think this exists! I’m thinking what to do and the best would be a simple plastic water tank of 1000 litres approximately cost £120.
Poor family 
Un abrazo fuerte y bendiciones hermanos!

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