Hannah Taylor – Prayer Letter October 2011

One month in and I can honestly say that Paraguay is beginning to work its charm on me.  It’s an impossible place to describe, I can’t explain what it’s like – it’s old but modern; it’s eccentric but understated; it’s poor and it’s rich; it’s beautiful and it’s plain; it’s exciting but it lacks vibrancy.  I think it’s a “have-to-be-there” situation.  I have tried to explain it, and some of my thoughts and emotions, on my blog:  hannahparaguay.blogspot.com – please feel free to read!

I’ve really appreciated your prayerful support thus far, and I hope to be able to send home regular prayer letters with a brief update on what I’m doing.

School is very busy at the moment with exams and class trips/retreats – I’d appreciate your prayer for school:

For the pupils:

  • for God’s protection in every aspect of their lives.
  • that exam time would be stress-free and that pressure from parents would be minimal
  • for safe and memorable trips, especially for the 3rd Form in their final year of school

For the staff:

  • for energy and enthusiasm to get through the next few busy weeks
  • for wisdom in dealing with difficult pupils and parents
  • that our lives would reflect Jesus and help point our pupils to Him.

Please keep in touch, I love hearing from home!  And of course I’d be more than happy to fill in a bit more detail about what exactly I’m doing.

Email:  hannah-e-taylor@hotmail.co.uk

Postal address:  Colegio San Andres, Casilla 1124, Asunción, Paraguay (although the post here isn’t famed for its reliability!)

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