Argentina & Paraguay Prayer Bites

Please pray for those in rural communities in Argentina, struggling with health issues. David and Shelley Stokes explain: “The system works like this: if the medical service in a local community cannot deal with a particular patient, they are sent to Juarez. If Juarez cannot deal with the case, they are sent on to Formosa (a seven-hour journey). In the last month a number of Anglican leaders have spent time in Formosa – one whose wife is seriously ill and another whose son needed further attention. Usually one member of the family accompanies the patient to give moral and practical support. … Both of us have also needed trips to doctors various times in the past months: Shelley for tendonitis in her shoulder, David for infected insect bites and bronchitis. The climate here is demanding: in this winter period there are strong swings of temperature over several days.”

Please pray for Tim Curtis (Enxet Bible translation project) and the now-smaller translation team: “The most significant event concerning the translation project this year is that, sadly, we have had to downsize, saying goodbye to Martin Rojas at end of July. This was sooner than I had hoped, but the reality is that the continuing depreciation of the value of the pound over the last couple of years, and further depreciation in recent months, has meant that we can no longer afford to employ all three translators. The pound is only worth 50 per cent of what it was worth against the Paraguayan Guaraní five years ago. Adding to our difficulties have been the yearly wage increases decreed by the Paraguayan government.”

Esperanza Home in Paraguay

Barbra (5) and Victor (3) who have been in the Esperanza Home in Paraguay for 3 years have now been adopted by a family. This has been a real blessing as there are many legal procedures required.

Jose Antonio recently had surgery for a cleft palate. Teresa and Ana Maria have now also managed to organise surgery for his squint for the 27th August.

Continue to pray for Juana and Theresa who run the project.

Teaching Opportunities in Paraguay

St. Andrew’s College Asuncion Paraguay is a Christian school offering lessons in both English and Spanish to its pupils. The head of the college is Gwen Carlisle and the deputy head is Mags Southern, both SAMS mission partners. From an English-speaking kindergarten for five children in 1963, St Andrew’s has grown into one of Paraguay’s most significant educational institutions, with around 400 pupils.

Click here to read about Posts Currently available in St. Andrew’s.

Latin Prayer & News

SAMS BTN Team Give thanks for the safe arrival of the team which Claire Holmes is leading in Paraguay. Pray that God may imprint His mission upon them and all who they meet.

Land for Life, Argentina Please pray for Andrew and Maria Leake working with their Land For Life initiative in Northern Argentina working towards better creation care in the region of the Chaco. Pray for wisdon for them as they explore ways of promoting the work they are doing and as they work with and alongside other organisations.

New believers in Paraguay Peter and Sally Bartlett give thanks that five new believers are attending Bible studies run by the San Andres Cathedral congregation and there are two new believers in the Mirador Church. They give thanks for the joyful, creative and memorable events which marked Paraguay’s bicentenary celebrations, leading to an upbeat atmosphere and greater valuing of Paraguayan culture. Please pray for over 40 lay leaders and clergy from Anglican churches in the Asuncion region attended a series of evening workshops as part of a two-week leadership training course led by Dr Richard and Joan Forde.

Please pray for Janet and Alberto Mena as they visit rural churches and minister to those congregations. Please also pray for the women’s group and give thanks for the recent baptism service.

Asuncion Please pray for Linn Tedman and all the staff and children of St. Andrew’s as they take our two week winter break. Everybody is very tired after a busy term. Pray for rest and refreshment for everyone. Pray for safety for those who will be travelling. Please pray for Jo, Zoe and Beth as they leave the school, that their futures will be secure in Christ. Pray for the new science teacher and his family who will be joining us later this month from Ireland, that they will arrive safely and settle in quickly. They have two boys aged five and eight years. Pray that they will learn Spanish quickly and that they will be welcomed into school. Please pray for Linn’s health as the holiday comes.


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