Pray for Bishop Frank and Shawnee Lyons (SAMS USA) in leadership and pastoral oversight of the diocese and in La Trinidad church, Cochabamba with Pastor Walter Toro. Pray for spiritual growth and missionary outreach in all the churches in Bolivia.
Ask the Lord to bless the church of Cristo Salvador, La Paz, and to guide and equip Martín and Carla Flores and Pedro Villareal in ministry. Pray for the Light of the World and Bread of Life churches in Santa Cruz and for encouragement and refreshment in ministry for Lico and Rosa Bascuñán.
Uphold Walter and Sandra Barrientos and assistant pastor Julio César who studied at CEP in Chile. Pray for Jesús el Buen Pastor Church in Tarija to continue growing in love and service to one another and to the community. Remember the regular visits to the shanty town Santa Cruz Mission for worship and teaching.