Pray for God’s blessing on the life and witness of the church in the Recife Diocese, and for encouragement and guidance for Bishop Robinson and Miriam Cavalcanti and for all clergy and leaders.
Marcus Throup combines teaching in the Anglican College in João Pessoa with studying for a PhD in New Testament studies. He also mentors young ordinands. Pray for God’s grace for him and his wife Tamara and baby daughter as they come to the UK at the end of this month for 5 weeks, visiting supporting churches.
Ask the Lord to use Josías & Danielle de Souza and Daniel in youth leadership and preaching, to encourage faith and commitment to Christ. As he works alongside other churches in Recife, pray for growing trust and unity among Christians.
Uphold Ian & Siméa Meldrum in Olinda in their demanding ministry among the poor in the Living Waters church and Community Centre and ‘My Father’s House’. Pray for the families who they have contact with. Pray also for more helpers and for daily encouragement, joy and discernment.
Pray for the project ‘My Father’s House’ which provides a home environment for boys who have been on the streets. Pray for Andy & Rose Roberts and the staff, for strength, wisdom and vision in working with the boys whose behaviour and responses can be unpredictable.