Northern Argentina

Please pray for Nick Drayson, the new Bishop in Juarez. He is learning Wichí, the language of the biggest indigenous tribe. Previously he translated the New Testament into Choroti, another indigenous language, similar to Wichí. He understands spoken Wichí but he needs to be able to hold a conversation. Please pray too that the Lord may unite them into a loving and supportive team with Deacon and Latin Partner René Pereira.

Charles and Lynn Barr-Johnston, associate mission partners in Northern Argentina write: “Thank you again very much for praying for us, and for those we minister with. Please pray for God’s continued blessing on the young people who have just been to camps in La Caldera, just outside Salta. Pray that the Word preached may continue to work in their hearts. Roli, the young people’s leader in Juarez, went to the camps with eight young people from Juarez, They were able to attend because Catherine Drayson, the Bishop’s wife, took them in her vehicle. Pray that they will remember the message and share it with their friends, as they go home to Juarez.”


Pray for Bishop Frank & Shawnee Lyons in pastoral oversight of the diocese and in their ministry at La Trinidad church in Cochabamba. Pray also for Pastor Walter Toro who works in La Trinidad.


Pray for Bishop Miguel & Deacon Martha Tamayo in oversight of a diocese which in 20 years has expressed its love for God through holistic mission. Pray for wisdom and vision as the leaders aspire to minister in some of the most disadvantaged situations in Uruguayan society.


Pray for Bishop Peter & Sally Bartlett in their many-sided ministry, not least in leadership training groups to develop mature, strong, selfless leaders in all areas of the diocese.

Pray too for growth in the young evening congregation at San Andrés cathedral.


Assistant Bishop Andrés & Estela Rodríguez oversee the churches in the Concepción area: pray for their evangelism to adults and children, work with the San Pablo congregation, and safety in travel to outlying areas and to communities in the Chaco.


Uphold Head Gwen Carlisle and Deputy Mags Southern as St Andrew’s School begins its new academic year this month; pray for them as the school helps transform Paraguay by sharing Christ and the gospel with its influential families. Remember new pupils about

to start.


We find it hard to believe that it’s now a year since we left Paraguay but we are enjoying celebrating this season of Advent here in Cheltenham.

We’re very thankful that the Esperanza Foster Home has been able to continue providing the essential love and security that all children need but which is so often lacking for children in care in Paraguay. In October the Esperanza team celebrated four years of caring for a total of 27 children so far.

[Photo: The Esperanza carers (from left – Juana, Ester, Carmen and Angela) take a well earned breather]

These last six months have been extremely frustrating as there has been so little movement in the children’s legal paperwork. At one point all the Judges were on strike ! But at last we are receiving news of decisions about the children currently in the “Esperanza family”. Surprisingly four of the five children are due to return to their birth families. Elba, who arrived earlier this year, has already gone with four siblings to live with her grandmother. Siblings Barbara and Victor, who came in December 2008 having already been in a large children’s home for a year, are due to go either to their birth mother or their aunt, and Belen who we know well as she arrived in early 2008, has just this week left to live with her grandmother who helps to care for Belen’s unstable mother who has recently had another baby. Having initially heard the reasons why these children were placed in the care of social services, we are always nervous about them returning to the same or similar circumstances so we really would appreciate your prayers for their future. Alexis, who is the remaining child, was legally declared “adoptable” but we understand that there is to be an appeal to this decision.

If the required paperwork does not come through before Christmas, Barbara, Victor and Alexis will spend the festivities with the ladies from Esperanza and their families. This is a chance for some repairs

and redecoration within the home. It is also a time when Juana, the main live-in foster mum, gets to see her family in the interior and have some much needed rest and recuperation. In the New Year the

Anniversary celebrations with local volunteers last year

Adoption Centre will be bringing more children to receive all that Esperanza offers.

[Photo: Anniversary celebrations with local volunteers last year]

One additional item for your prayers is the health of Teresa Maidana who took on the supervision of the home. She has had a string of health issues and at present is confined to her house due to a problem with her spine. Her husband, Pastor Agustin, has been spending more time at Esperanza as a result.

As always we are so grateful for your generous support which is essential if Esperanza is to continue its ministry. May you and your families receive many blessings in 2010.

With love

Penny and Murray Metcalfe

News and prayer update from Marcus & Tamara Throup in Belfast and Brazil.

Just an update on Throup life! Please continue to pray for Tamara and me, as it is quite hard being apart. You’ll recall that I’m on a post-graduate diploma course in Theological Education in Belfast, whereas Tamara is at her Mum’s in Recife, finishing her post-grad course in Psychology. Studies are going well for both of us, and one good piece of news for me is that the University of Nottingham accepted my PhD proposal in New Testament studies, so I am now officially a (part-time) PhD student!

The pregnancy is going well and via Skype I am able to have some idea of our daughter (Rebekah’s) progress. Tamara is now 22 weeks and so far so good; this Thursday Tamara is due in for another important scan so please pray for her and Rebekah.

Here in Belfast, I’m having a productive time.  As well as studying around 10 hours a day on the Theological Education and on the doctorate, I have done a small amount of Greek teaching and may yet do some further teaching in other areas. I’m also learning a little Swahili with Dr Paul Mwangi, my Kenyan roommate! We’re quite an international group, with college lecturers and principals from all over the world. A lot of us (me included!) are feeling the cold now! Term is coming to an end though, and on January 1st, after Christmas with my folks, I’ll be getting on a plane to Brazil!

Both Tamara and I sense that this is a very special and formative time in our lives. The arrival of Rebekah and the start of the PhD bring new challenges and serious commitment, but both of us are sure that the Lord is with us, guiding us through. As of next year, alongside the PhD hours, I’ll be doing various teaching jobs that the bishop has lined up for me. Please pray that both of us will be refreshed and rested over the coming Christmas break, so that we can be at our best for the things God has for us next year.


With every blessing in Christ


Marcus and Tamara

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