Claire Holmes Pray for Claire in all the work she does in Concepcion.  Pray for the young people and the women’s group that Claire works with, that they will be strengthened in their faith.  As Bishop Andres has now retired, please keep San Pablo church in your prayers that they will know God’s guidance for the future.  Give thanks for Bishop Andres and for his ministry in Paraguay over the years, pray for God’s continued blessing on him and his family as he begins his retirement.

Mags & Gwen Pray for both Mags and Gwen with their many responsibilities in St Andrew’s College.  Pray for the other members of staff too and for the students, that they will be well settled in the school year and that they will know the love of Jesus in their lives.  Pray for all the activities that Mags and Gwen are involved in outside of the school also.

The Testers Pray for Paul and Sarah as they minister to young people and children in Peru, sharing the good news of Christ with them.  Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance in the work they do.  Pray too for Sarah and the baby, that they will both be healthy throughout the duration of the pregnancy. Pray specifically for Sarah, as she may be limited to what she can do.

Monica Almeida (SAMS FUSION Volunteer) Monica’s time in Magheralin Parish has come to end, pray for her as she arrives into Brazil today.  Give thanks for her time working in Northern Ireland and pray for God’s blessing upon her life.

Cecilia Valdiviezo Pray for Cecilia and her work with the girls in the detention centre.  Pray that the girls will hear more about God through Cecilia’s visits and that each of them will come to know God.  Pray especially for Lilian and the possibility for her staying with a family from the church during the weekends.  Pray too for good relations between Cecilia and the detention centre staff, that there will be no barriers in the way of her visits.

Alec Deane Pray for Alec and the Garden Project, for strength and growth in those involved in the project.  Pray for the families involved, that it will help them to provide food for their families and spiritual growth within their community.  Pray too for the indigenous church leaders, that they can share the message with the youth in a way that is relevant to their lives.  Pray that Alec and his family will know God’s strength in all the work they do.

Dany Retamal (SAMS FUSION Volunteer) Pray for Dany within her placement in Maghera.  Give thanks for her willingness to serve here and pray for God’s blessing upon her as she shares her faith with others.  Pray specifically for her school ministry.

Argentina Team Pray for the team of 6 people visiting from Argentina.  Give thanks for their visit and for this opportunity to deepen our partnership with each other.  Pray for them as they visit several churches in Northern Ireland, that their visit will be a blessing to both those who meet them and to the team.  Pray also for their safe travels throughout their visit.


World Cup Resource

Check out the latest SAMS resource entitled The Big World Cup Weekender, which is designed for churches here in the UK & Ireland to make the most out of the 2014 World Cup.

Please feel free to pass on this resource to every contact you have, as we seek to enable churches here at home to connect and impact local communities during these coming weeks.





Concepción, Paraguay: Pray for San Pablo church in Concepción as Bishop Andrés prepares to retire later this month. Pray for the team within the church that they will know God’s wisdom, direction and courage at this time of change. Pray too for Claire in her work with the young people, that they will continue to be encouraged in their weekly meetings.  Recently, a teenager named Arlan Fick was kidnapped from Concepción, thought to be by a terrorist organisation, and the church in Concepción continues to pray for his safe return home.

St Andrew’s College: Pray for Gwen in her role as Head Teacher at St Andrew’s College in Asunción, for wisdom and direction in the current school year. Pray for Mags in her teaching role and for the other members of staff as they work with the students.  Pray for the students and their parents, that they will know more of God.   

Peru: Pray for Julio Montoya, minister of the Most Holy Trinity parish and his wife Norma.  The Montoya family are strongly focussed on running a school for underprivileged children in Lima, pray for the family in the work they do, that they can give the care and education to the children that they need. Pray to for Paul and Sarah Tester and Lizbeth Varillas in the youth development work and children’s ministry.

Chile: Continue to pray for Cristóbal Cerón in Chile and student worker Max Diaz, as he has been working and doing street evangelism around the university. Pray for him as he tries to connect to students through Bible studies and university courses. 

Argentina: Pray for the team visiting N. Ireland from Salta, Argentina at the end of May. Pray for their safety as they travel throughout their trip. Pray that their visit will be a blessing and an encouragement to themselves and everyone they meet. 

Red Box Project: Pray for Cecilia and her work in Salta. Pray for the girls that Cecilia meets in the detention centre that they will come to know Christ. Peter Harrison (Red Box Volunteer) concluded his time in Salta on 28th April and is spending some time in the USA before returning home. Give thanks for his time in Argentina and pray for his safe journey home. Pray too that he will know God’s guidance as he returns home to complete his studies at University. 

Garden Project: Pray for those involved with Garden Project and for Alec as he leads it.  Pray for more involvement from the Government that they will help extend the Garden techniques to more communities.

FUSION: Give thanks for Dany Retamal Álvarez from Santiago in Chile volunteering in Maghera Parish. Dany’s openness to participate and engage within the local church and wider community has been a real blessing.



Gwen Carlisle and Mags Southern Pray that the Lord will bless Gwen and Mags in their leadership and give them wisdom as they deal with the staff and pupils.  Pray for the secondary pupils who often take time off to go travelling, as there are no restrictions on school attendance.  Pray that the pupils will settle and take school more seriously and know the Lord’s hand on their lives. 

Peter and Sally Bartlett Pray for Peter in his role as Bishop of Paraguay, for wisdom and guidance. Pray for Sally and Peter especially as they think through children’s ministry in the diocese.  Pray for Sally in her role as president of the Esperanza Foster Home. Pray for the children there, for a new helper in the house and for Teresa and Maidana, the 2 mothers from St Andrew’s school who help.

Claire Holmes Pray for Claire and the youth ministry she is involved in, that the youth will continue to attend church and know the love of God.  Pray too for San Pablo church that it will know God’s guidance in the coming months with Bishop Andrés’ retirement drawing closer. Give thanks for the ministry of Bishop Andrés.  Pray too that God will raise up leaders in the church who will take on the responsibility of sharing the gospel in their community and beyond.

Cecilia Valdiviezo Pray for Cecilia and her work in the detention centre. Pray for every girl she meets, that they will come to faith and follow Jesus every day of their lives.  Pray that the possibility of Cecilia taking one of the girls out for visits will become a reality.  Pray also for Peter Harrison this month as he concludes his gap year with the Red Box Project on 28th April. 

Alec Deane Give thanks for all of the families who are now involved with the Garden project, there are now over 100 families benefitting from the project.  Pray for government support, both financially to provide more seeds and drip irrigation to enable more families to be a part of the project, and also for an improved water infrastructure to create better growth for the plants.

The Tester Family Give thanks for the youth camps in Lima and Arequipa and pray for the youth that attended, that they will be strengthened in their faith.  Pray for Sarah, specifically for health and strength throughout her pregnancy.  Pray too for Paul in his work with the youth.

Chris and Alison Hawksbee Pray for Chris as he has been doing more pastoral work, pray for his visits to La Patria which aim to cover 17 villages, encouraging pastors and leaders to meet together. Pray as they prepare for a retreat for the pastors, deacons and their helpers in Rio Verde in May.  Pray too for Alison and her responsibilities as academic director at the Asunciόn Christian Academy.

Dany Alvarez Give thanks for SAMS Fusion volunteer Dany, from Chile.  Pray for her as she spends a year volunteering with the church and sharing the gospel with those around her.  Pray that Dany will be blessed in the work she is doing and also that she will be a blessing to those around her.



March 2014

FUSION Pray for Dany Retamal Álvarez who arrived mid-February from Santiago, Chile and is placed as a FUSION volunteer with Willowfield Parish in Down and Dromore. Give thanks for Dany’s openness to being a part of the FUSION programme and pray for her as she participates in God’s mission within Willowfield Parish. 

ARGENTINA Pray for Cecilia as she settles back in to life in Salta. Give thanks for the time Cecilia had in the UK and Ireland, especially for each of the churches she was able to visit and participate in. Pray for God’s blessing upon each of the projects that she is involved in within Salta and continue to pray for Red Box volunteer Peter Harrison.   

PERU Pray for Paul and Sarah Tester and Diocesan Youth Coordinator Lizbeth Varillas in Lima. Give thanks for the Youth Camps that were held throughout February and pray for the youth ministry developing regionally and for the various young people in new missions around the country. Pray for Sarah and her antenatal check up on 4th March and for Lily and Teófila as they take on extra responsibilities in Sarah’s absence.

URUGUAY Pray for Bishop Michael Pollesel as he continues to get to know the clergy and members of the Anglican churches. May he know God’s grace especially as he seeks to encourage and develop leaders.   

PARAGUAY Pray for Chris and Alison Hawskbee as they are now back in Paraguay. Pray for discipleship training in the local churches in Asunciόn and for the building up of weak churches in Sombrero Pirí.  Pray too for Mags & Gwen as they settle in to the new school year and that God will pour out His blessing upon St Andrew’s school. As Peter and Sally Bartlett have recently returned to Asuncion, pray that strong teams will be built within the church and for spiritual wisdom to lead to unity in purpose and vision.  Pray for the church in  Asuncion and the church leaders; that they may know God’s guidance in the work they do.

Pray for Gwen and Mags this month as they have just started another school year. Pray for them in their roles as Head and deputy Head. Pray for wisdom and clarity as they make decisions daily. The pressure is always immense, last year was challenging but God’s faithfulness was evident, so at the beginning of this academic year keep Gwen, Mags and the staff team in your prayers.

Pray for Claire and the ministry she is part of in Concepción. Pray specifically for young adults and potential leaders who Claire is investing in. May Claire have moments of encouragement and insight when choosing discipleship resources.

FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE Give thanks for Friday Night Live that took place on 7th February, for the people who met together to hear of various ministries throughout South America with SAMS. Give thanks too for the wonderful offering of over £6,000 which is going towards leadership development.


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