Chris Wallis, Abundant Life Course, N. Argentina
As I reflect on the past few months, I am reminded of Joseph’s special cloak, which some interpret as being of many colours while others emphasise its long sleeves. Regardless of the exact details, what made it special was the deep affection his father had for him. In the midst of my contemplation, I cannot help but give thanks to my heavenly Father for the extraordinary variety of experiences He continues to bless me with in His immense generosity. My prayer is that I may become more generous in giving back as much as I receive.
Bermejo team in Bogota
Allow me to share just a few of these vibrant experiences:
- Teaching Lectio Divina in the diocese’s course for future indigenous pastors has taught me invaluable lessons on reading the Bible and deepening my prayer life.
- Facilitating SEAN’s Abundant Life course in the Wichí language to two church groups in the Rivadavia area of Salta province has revealed the deep longing of the Wichí people to know and understand God’s Word.
- Teaching interpretation and translation to approximately 30 Wichí students who are preparing to become interpreters in the judicial system has opened my eyes to the incredible richness and beauty of language.
- Working closely with a dedicated team of six Wichí men and women from the Bible Society, who are embarking on the translation of the New Testament into the Bermejo dialect of the Wichí language, has truly amazed me. Their genuine care and support for one another is truly inspiring.
Interpreters Workshop
As I reflect on these colourful areas of ministry, I feel a calling to make this Bible translation project my primary focus in the months and years ahead. I humbly ask for your prayers and support for this very special team as we embark on this significant undertaking.
Thank you for joining me in prayer and for being part of this mission. Together, let us embrace the diversity of God’s work and seek to make a lasting impact in the lives of the Wichí people.
In gratitude and with heartfelt blessings,
Chris Wallis