Friday Night Live : Friday 5th February 2016 – Flyer
Friday Night Live :
Going For Gold
Craigavon Civic Centre
Friday 5th February 2016
You are warmly invited to Friday Night Live, always a night not to be missed! There are exciting stories of God at work in South America. Refreshments afterwards will give an opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. We are delighted that, in addition to special guests, the Rev. Simon Genoe will be our main speaker. Look forward to seeing you!
Bishop Ken Clarke SAMS Mission Director
SAMS Team News
Please thank the Lord that the team from Muckamore has arrived safely in Paraguay and the team from Strabane in Lima, Peru. Pray for them and the work they will do. May they be a blessing and may they too be blessed!
Claire Holmes, Paraguay
Recent News and Prayer Letter recently received from Claire Holmes, Paraguay
Easter Greetings & Office Times
A very Happy Easter!!
May the Easter message inspire us afresh to be His faithful witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and the farthest parts of the Earth! Christ is risen! Hallelujah!
Please note that the SAMS office will be closed until Monday 13th April.
SNAP March News & Prayer Letter
SNAP March News & Prayer Letter:
SNAP February 2015
SNAP February 2015 News and prayer letter: