Stolen Vehicle

Beryl Baker offers medical treatment to around 18,000 Indians in the Paraguayan Chaco. She has dedicated nearly 30 years of her life to this area and describes herself as an ‘orderly, gynaecologist, midwife and dentist’, treating anything from TB to gunshot wounds and snakebite. Beryl’s vehicle which was loaded up with medical equipment, food etc ready to go to the Chaco was parked in Asunción, but it has been stolen. As you can imagine this is a stressful and complicated situation with numerous implications for the various people in the Chaco who depend on medical help from Beryl’s ministry.

Please remember Beryl in your prayers at this time.

Gwen & Mags in Paraguay

Gwen & Mags Update recently received into the SAMS office:

Dear Friends,

School is now well and truly underway! Our visit to the UK seems like ages ago! We started back in school the first week of February with just the staff for the first 10 days or so. We started our year with a service in the cathedral where Pastor Ronnie spoke about the fear of God being the beginning of wisdom.

After that it was all hands on deck to prepare the classrooms ready for the children and also for parents’ meetings. Before school started we had meetings for the infant, the new first grade and seventh grade parents. These all went well with the main question being, “How are we all going to get into school once they start to dig up the road?” Fortunately, we had a plan for this which involves going through the land round the chapel and the diocesan office and then taking a back route into school. Fortunately, this has gone well with many parents asking to continue this way once the road is finished. They seem to have finished digging up outside school now and are starting to fill in the holes but the dust in school has been awful. We have had many weeks with little rain making the dust worse. Yesterday we had a very big storm which has helped with the dust issue at least!

Gwen missed the start of the new term as she had a bad migraine the day before school started. She was still being sick by evening and so was taken into hospital and put on a drip. You can’t take chances in 40ºC as it is very easy to get dehydrated. Anyway, she was in hospital for 2 nights and so missed the first 2 days of school.

Mags had to carry on with the start of the school year. The 6th form came in well in the rain and we had our church service at the end of the first morning with Pastor Ronnie speaking about God’s word being a lamp. All the more appropriate as we nearly had to postpone the service because of a power cut. On the Monday we were both back in school and ready for full days. It’s always hard after a holiday and the pupils always find it hard to settle after being off for two and a half months. They are starting to settle now.

Mags is back with her maths classes and says the pupils seem to be settling and working well. She went to 6th form camp last week which was to prepare the 6th formers to lead on other camps during the year. It went very well.

Gwen is back with the infants and has 30 in the class. They are still very challenging and learning to sit still! One boy went into melt down the other day as he didn’t want to write his letters to fit into the space in the book; he wanted to do big letters and there was no convincing him. The same boy  decided he’d never eat another apple after hearing the story of Adam and Eve! Gwen is also in 5th grade 2 afternoons each week and enjoying the challenge of English grammar!!

Since the start of term we have had yet more parents’ meetings and they all seem to have gone well. The parents seem quite calm and happy with things. The 5th and 6th grades are out at camp now until Friday 28th. They went in the rain but it should be warming up.

We came back to school to find our science teacher announcing he was going back to the USA. It wasn’t a good time as the timetable was all finished and now would have to be altered again. The physics teacher also said he was unable to come. We asked another teacher in school to take physics and she was happy with that, but it’s taken a number of interviews to find a science teacher that could cope with books in English and be a Christian also. We now have a full staff and the timetable has been sorted out yet again!

The storm yesterday was very bad and many people couldn’t get across the city because of flooding on the roads ( like the UK?!). We couldn’t get out of the house for a while as the water from various streets meets in front of our house and then goes down a huge drain. It was under our gate and heading up the drive so we waited for it to go down ….  as did many others in school. Still, it made for a nice, cool night with temperatures around 17ºC  which made a pleasant change from 40ºC and more. I think this month has been one of the hottest ever with most days being over 40ºC.

We are both fit and well. Our animals are in fine fettle too and there is the promise of a puppy in the next few weeks( we hope). He has to come from Uruguay and so is dependent on who can bring him!! Again, it’s through friends that we are given these dogs.

Many thanks for all your support and prayers. They are much appreciated.

God Bless and lots of love,

Gwen and Mags xxx



Peru Update

Dear Praying Friends,

It has been a while so we hope you enjoy this, our latest update. As you will see there has been much going on and we are grateful to God for his faithfulness. We hope the read encourages you in your prayers.

As ever just click on the links to see photos from:

Teenager’s camp, Lima – Worshippers in Spirit and Truth

Youth Camp, Arequipa – Young people: Salt and Light in the World

17-25’s Camp, Lima – Worshippers in Spirit and Truth

Thank you for all of your support!

With love,

Paul, Sarah and Sophia


SPREAD update recently received into the SAMS office:

New SAMS FUSION Volunteer

Dany Retamal Álvarez

Dany is an art teacher and for many years she has served in her local church as a volunteer in children’s and youth ministry. With a passion for teaching, acting, singing, doing theatrical makeup and developing stage sets for plays Dany is eager to share her gifts and learn new skills during her placement year. Give thanks for Dany’s openness to participate on the FUSION programme and pray for Dany as she participates in God’s mission in Northern Ireland.


Pray for Bishop Michael Pollesel as he gets to know the clergy and members of the Anglican churches. May Bishop Michael know God’s grace especially as he has the responsibility of encouraging and developing leaders.


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