Land For Life News : October 2012
Land For Life News (October 2012) recently received into the SAMS office:
Land For Life News (October 2012) recently received into the SAMS office:
News and prayer letters recently received into the SAMS office:
Beryl Baker Update recently received into the SAMS office:
Dear Esperanza supporters,
It’s been over 6 months since I last wrote about the children and activities of the foster home. Some of the children I mentioned in March have since been able to move on to permanent families. Sebastian has gone to live with his grandfather after more than a year in Esperanza. Chubby baby Maria Aylen, now sitting up and crawling, has been able to go to her aunt’s family. New children have also arrived, namely Iver of about 4 years old who was found in a nearby shanty area and Gloria, again 4, who was taken into care due to a difficult situation in her family.The team of ladies in charge of Esperanza have been investigating ways of accessing some funding within Paraguay so that all the financial support does not have to come from abroad. They were able to take advice from a Christian lawyer who specialises in helping churches in these matters. He recommended that Esperanza becomes a legal charity in its own right in Paraguay, rather than a branch of the Anglican church, although it will still have the support of the local church and be run by some of its members. It’s quite a complicated process but would mean that government funds could be applied for, so this possibility is being followed up and is looking encouraging.
On October 17th Esperanza will have been caring for needy children for 7 years. For all that time Juana has been the live-in foster mum. She has now taken the decision to move on. As it would not be helpful to welcome new children at this time, the leadership team have decided they will wait to be sure they have a good replacement for Juana before they do so. This may mean a “pause” until the New Year as very little happens in the Paraguayan courts over the Christmas period. Since little Gloria has recently moved to a home run by the Mennonite church where there are more older girls, it is just Iver and Jonathan who are waiting to go to permanent families now. Iver’s father has recently been traced but is unable to look after him. However, it is hoped that he will be able to go to live with an aunt or uncle soon. We have been told that Johnny should be able to go to an adoptive family in about a month after a very complicated legal case.
If you pray, please remember the need for the right person to replace Juana and provide the right environment of love, security and fun that the children need. Thank you. This comes as always with our appreciation of your interest and support for Esperanza.
Penny Metcalfe
News and prayer letters recently received into the SAMS office:
Gwen & Mags October Prayer News recently received into the SAMS office:
Tester Family in Peru Update recently received into the SAMS office:
Dear Prayer Partner,
Thank you for reading this letter and for your support and prayers. It is more than 7 weeks since I left home to return to Paraguay on 18th July. I find it hard to believe that it isn’t much longer than that probably because so much has happened during that time and also because the world I left and the world I have arrived in are different in so many ways. So what has been happening over these last weeks? The journey here was a long one leaving Northern Ireland on Wednesday afternoon and arriving in Concepcion on Friday night. I travelled here with Alison Crawford who lived and worked in Concepcion for 3 years while I was here before. Michelle and Ruth from Eglinton Parish travelled with me also. It was lovely to have them to share the journey with and spend the first few weeks here together especially after all the emotion and upheaval and madness which comes with packing up and leaving home. It was also good to arrive in Concepcion, unpack, start to make it home again and to catch up with people.
A few days after we arrived a team of 13 arrived with Mission Paraguay to spend almost a week here. The week was spent visiting the different communities, giving out glasses, working with the children and sewing projects. It was a good week and at the end of it we also got to meet up with Raymond and Dale who came from Annaghmore Parish as they had been working in the Chaco. We were also pleased to have Julie-Ann from Magheralin Parish here. She was here over the week that we were holding Children’s Day celebrations and it was special to share the celebration with over 500 children while we also taught about growing up spiritually.
I have spent a lot of time over the last weeks visiting people, and the different areas, talking to people and listening to what they are saying, joining in with the different groups and praying that God will show me His priorities. There are probably 100 people and things and places my heart could lead me to but I am trying to hear God’s voice and heart and know His priorities. One of the things I have doing is leading some of the excellent SEAN – Theological Education by Extension courses with different people and groups. Within the church when people have studied a course they can then teach it or help to teach it to someone else. I also really want to get fluent in Guarani this time. Everyone here understands Spanish and most though not all speak it. I understand a lot of Guarani and speak a bit, but as they call it their “language of the heart” it would be good to improve it, especially for those people who are Guarani rather than Spanish speakers.
There have been many times over the last few weeks when people have talked to me about things going on in their lives that I have felt I need to be more equipped for. When I was here before I thought to myself more than once that nothing shocks me anymore, but a few times recently I have been shocked.
Anyway I thought it would be good to do an Online Christian Counselling Course to see if I can learn some things that will be helpful and that I can pass on to others. I have started that and am enjoying it.
I thought I would write just a few reflections from the past few weeks. Here they are:
Things that have changed in Concepcion
Things that have drawn my attention
Things here that I love
Things that are difficult, painful or challenging
Person to focus prayer on: I thought it would be good in each prayer letter to focus on one person for prayer. This time it is G. He is 17 years old. In the morning he studies practical skills at a workshop school and gets paid a small amount of money for that. In the afternoon he studies at school. G came up through the Kids Clubs as did some of his brothers and sisters. He comes to church and to the youth group and plays the drums as part of the music group. He has no dad but lives with his mum and some of his brothers and sisters. G is the only member of his family who is living the Christian life and he finds that very difficult. Please pray for him that in the midst of many challenges he will be able to keep going and to stay faithful. Please pray too for his family.
Requests and thanksgiving:
Thank you for your prayers.
God Bless you.
Ephesians 3:20-21
20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
For more information on how you can learn more about Claire and the work of SAMS please contact Bishop Ken Clarke or Geoff Hamilton via
Hawksbees Prayer Update recently received into the SAMS office: