Argentina Prayer

Thank God for the nine years Greg Venables has served as presiding bishop in the Southern Cone, for his oversight of the other dioceses and for his leadership and pastoral gifts within Argentina. Pray for Greg and Silvia, for God to lead them by his grace as they continue to serve him in the diocese and for the new presiding bishop Tito Zavala of Chile.

Pray for Latin partner Mario Ágreda in Buenos Aires. Henry Scriven was much encouraged by a visit to his church in Villa Devoto prior to the Provincial Synod in November. After the sermon, Mario invited the three bishops present (Henry, Abelino from Chile and Mike Chapman from Perú) to pray for the congregation – which they did, moving from one to another, quietly talking and praying. All were conscious of God moving through his Spirit.

Agustín Marsal and Mario pastor the churches in Villa Devoto, Lomas and another church plant. Pray for all the Buenos Aires churches, asking the Lord to equip their pastors for ministry and to bless the congregations.

Hawksbees in the Chaco

Alison and Chris Hawksbee, working to empower impoverished communities in the Paraguayan Chaco region, ask prayer for cattle projects, and the projects to encourage people to grow Moringa trees, which have so many valuable properties, for health, nutrition, and animal feed. The Dos Palmas and Santa Fe cattle projects that we presented to the Ministry of Agriculture for funding. That they might be looked upon favourable for financing. Global Chaco (NGO) has presented several more projects to the Interamerican Development Bank for financing. This was at the Bank’s request, as, they were very happy with the cattle projects done so far. This will help raise the level of development of the neighbouring communities and reduce envy.

For the strengthening of the Moringa activities and market growth for the products.

Red Box Project

Dear friends!

Hope you had a lovely Christmas (focused on the real meaning of this festivity and thanking God for such an amazing miracle of sending Jesus to this world). I also hope this 2011 will be full of blessings from heaven! The last two months have been kind of busy since summer was getting closer and we needed to finish the activities in the schools, nursery and happy hours and then start planning the summer camps. Fortunately everything went on so well that we are more than content with the results, in El Circulo church since the happy hour started two complete families came to Christ and the youth group is growing little by little. They needed the building so much so once again I can see such a blessing with the program we have of short term mission groups.

Two secondary schools have given me the opportunity to deliver a programme about values, so from March till December that will be on during the weekends and during the week I will keep visiting other schools and promoting the programme. This initiative involves two churches, the pastors thought it will be a good idea to train leaders from other churches so they can also visit schools and share with the young people so I will be responsible to coordinate this project. Meanwhile I am preparing all the material for the training. Ideas are welcome!

My wee volunteer, Gemma Bankhead, left Salta a few days ago. Her presence here was a real blessing for my life, my church and even my neighborhood. Today at the wee kiosk the owner was asking about her and saying every time Gemma was buying something her smile was on her face….she also said to me: all the girls you bring are so kind and nice people…..(this is a very good testimony for all of us). Gemma and her friends donated some toys to the nursery we help so when the kids come back they will get a nice surprise!

I just came back from a missionary retreat in Córdoba, around 150 Argentinean missionaries (with their families) who are all over the world met there for a week to share experiences and to spend a week in fellowship. This is the first time I took part, hopefully it won’t be the last one. It is so good to see that Latin people can also be part of Mathew 28: 18-20 even with our economy which is so stable. Another thing that took my attention was that almost 80% of the missionaries are single women and made me think and wonder where the men are…..we need more soldiers for the Kingdom of God. There was a special night where the people that organized the retreat honored the single missionaries, I really appreciated that because as a single woman sometimes it is not that easy being in mission under that condition.

In February I will be taking part on anther summer camp but in this one I will be part of the leadership so I will let you know about it in my next letter.

Thank God for…..

Thank God for the opportunity He gave us to enter in the schools with the program about Christian values.

For the resources we received all 2010 to help five Happy hours, the nursery, my Bible group, Bermejo Church, Circulo church and Shekinah church.

Thank God for such a marvelous time in Córdoba. May he keep blessing all my mission partners and proving them with everything they need.

The opportunity I will have to serve in the summer camps that I could be salt and light to those young people who are attending.

Pray for…

All the wee trips that I have to do so God protects me.

At the moment my wee Patricio (my car) is once again at the mechanic and unfortunately it will be there for a couple of weeks, I know the mechanic told me that sooner or later I will have to replace it BUT for now that won´t be possible so pray so I can find all the pieces I need so it can be fixed and that doesn’t spoil my economy.

Pray for my health, I had had some problems with my back and I have to start physiotherapy next week.

Friends thank you for taking the time to read about the things we are experiencing in this part of the world.

May God guide your journey! In his Grace.


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