Uphold Bishop Greg Venables and Sylvia, praying for good health and strength for them both, safety in travelling and wisdom in pastoral oversight in the two dioceses in Argentina. Pray for the churches and clergy in Buenos Aires, Rosario and Cordoba, for those training for ordination and for those working with the youth and children. Remember the staff, volunteers and children in Hogar el Alba.


Thank God for Mario Ágreda’s gifts in leadership, teaching and with young people. Pray for him and Paula with Manuel and Maite serving in Villa Devoto and also in Lomas. Pray for spiritual growth in the lives of those in the home groups and youth groups and for the emergence of new leaders.


Uphold the work of Life in Abundance Trust, thanking God for the children’s classes and the new opportunity to have them one day a week in a rural setting, with horse riding therapy. Pray for the group of women who recently had two days of intensive training in working with abused women and pray for the right person to head up this ministry. Remember Uriel and Lina: Lina looks after the PEPE Christian pre-school in Laura Flores.

Red Box News & Prayer Update

Sonya Brown from Carryduff Parish who is with the Red Box Project updates us on her 5 week placement.
I help 2 missionaries over here, Graziela and Lorena, I am so grateful to having the chance to help these girls in their work on Saturdays making lunch in one of the poorest areas here in Salta and on Wednesdays at the hospital.  This week I am helping them organise for a Bible event for the children this Saturday – busy times!
I help in a local school on Tuesdays and Thursdays with English lessons. The teachers and children are so welcoming and its great being there and helping in whatever way I can, whether answering questions, helping with their work, or marking exams!!
Your prayers are valued. Pray for the time that I have for myself, that I will reflect on my experiences and take time to refuel! The language is a barrier, in that I can’t build relationships with the majority of the people I meet, which is a tad frustrating to say the least but I’m learning that sometimes words aren’t needed, a smile never fails to get a response!!
Also I’m only here for a short time so I ask that you pray that I can plant seeds in the people that I’m spending time with and that I have the energy needed for the long days that I’m out and about, for safety and that my travel back goes as smoothly as arriving here.
Many thanks 🙂
love & prayers
Sonya xx

FUSION Volunteer departs for home.

As you all may know my time here in Norn Iron is almost over, as I’m heading back to Chile next Friday (August 27th), but before leaving I just wanted to say thanks to each and everyone of you.


In different moments of my staying here, you have blessed my life with your company, friendship, testimony, service, dedication, love and kindness towards me and our great and amazing God.


During this past year I’ve shared different experiences with you and all this experiences are now part of my memories and have a big piece of my heart.


I really hope in the future I can return to this wee island and see you all again or if you ever want to visit a great and amazing country where you can learn or practice your Spanish, you will be more than welcome in Chile.


I had great ‘craic’, ‘all the best’ and ‘keep er lit’! Hopefully this is not a good bye, it’s just a see you soon, God willing.

Un gran abrazo a cada uno y que la gracia y el amor de Dios los bendiga hoy y siempre, con todo mi amor.
(A big hug to everyone and may the grace and love of God bless you today and always, with all my love,)

Cristian Ascui P.

Chris & Alison Hawksbee in Paraguay

Dear Friends,

At the beginning of August we have a volunteer group of 6 people coming from the UK to help on various projects in the Chaco. Pray for this, that all goes well. I have lots of work for them and they have raised around 21,000 pounds for the funding. We want to dig 2 hand dug wells, construct 1 water cistern for rain water harvesting, build up to 2 adobe houses (of the 4 proposed), divide our guest house (bunk house) into 2 apartments in order for it to be more practical, also, close in a roofed area for TB patients, recondition a deposit and make some latrines for distribution. Quite a lot! The work will continue after they have gone.


Pray that the documentation for my vehicle gets sorted out quickly. The customs made an error when it was cleared for importation. I need the right papers in order to take it out of the country that is, into Argentina. I went into the notary office this morning and they showed me that it has been corrected now and that they need to rewrite the title deeds for the vehicle to include the corrections.

The work with the NGO, Global Chaco is going very well and the beneficiaries are very pleased and enthusiastic with its development. The NGO is implementing the same model in another area as a result of these results. I have been helping Indian communities present their projects to 2 government institutions for help with bee keeping, small livestock, cattle and fish farming. Pray for these as they are slow going in responding. These institutions also ask for lots of information on the communities. I’m also helping another NGO, technically, for the construction of adobe houses, as they may be administering some housing projects in the communities I visit. Pray for Esteban Galeano who will be training them with the adobe making and for Dacio Martinez who will train people in the use of adobes for construction of their houses. It is quite exciting that what we have been doing with the adobe houses is being considered as a viable option for housing projects. It came because of the work of 2 of our pastors making their own adobes. Alison keeps busy with her Open University courses for teaching. Ben is with us for another 3 weeks before going back to the USA to continue his studies. Hannah comes out to visit us for 3 weeks in August. Pray for her getting a new job, she wants to work in London. I was congratulated by the guy who came from the Inter American Development Bank who funds the cattle projects via the NGO. He commented on all the hard work the Anglican Church has done over the years with the Indian groups to prepare them for these projects. I want to thank you all for your support and prayers for the work. It isn’t often churches get congratulated for their work. He has also asked me if I’d consider forming part of an NGO he’d like to start as he has seen that the ideas I’ve been working on are beginning to happen and that I have the knowhow to solve many problems facing poor communities.

Love and greetings,

Chris and Alison


Rene & Marina Pereira in Northern Argentina

Dear friends,


We are looking forward to visiting many of you when we come to England in October and wanted you let you have this brief note about my recent and forthcoming activities.


The two weeks of youth camps has just finished. The first was held in Ingeniero Juárez from 12 to July 17 and the second in Misión Chaqueña from 19 to 24 July. We all experienced a time of great blessing at both camps. The one in Juarez took place in the Criollo church, where 57 young people met together in all, including some non-Christians invited by their friends. At Misión Chaqueña there were 70 youngsters from eight different indigenous churches.


Give thanks to God for the blessings we received during the camps and pray for the young people present


I’m now preparing for the new pastor training intensive course in Juárez which runs from 16 to 28 August. We are expecting some 70 pastors from 40 different churches to attend.


Please pray for the preparation, teaching and good outcome of the course.


Thank you again for your continued prayer and support.


Greetings from Northern Argentina

We would really value your prayers over the next few weeks as we have embarked on a Youth Alpha after an invitation here at the Criollo church at Ingeniero Juarez, the Anglican church which we attend when we are not travelling to Indian Communities. They have many young people, and have just finished a youth camp, but the leadership has been quite shaky over the last few years. Hopefully, Alpha will not only lead many to a faith in Christ, but also build the team of leaders. It is  a big commitment and quite a challenge as nobody here has ever done an alpha course here before, certainly not a Youth Alpha! The Church has been wonderfully supportive and the team is really working well together. Catherine is doing the Administration for the course..

We were simply amazed when some 75 kids squeezed into a room for karaoke, video clips, choripans, and the introduction to the Course which Nick headed up. We were even more amazed, when 60 of them  turned up at 10.30 am for the first morning. It is an interesting mix too, mainly Spanish speaking Criollos, but also Wichi, and Toba young people too. Some are  travelling from a local church an hour away at Laguna Yema. Everyone is “buzzing” …as they say, but it’s a challenge, not least for the leadership…but there is much faith and we really do pray that there will be much blessing!

Could we please ask you to accompany us with your prayers over the next 10 weeks?

Thank you so much for your loving support and interest and anticipation….prayers!

Every blessing Catherine and Nick



Pray for encouragement and refreshment for Bishop Frank and Shawnee Lyons in their pastoral oversight and leadership in the diocese and in La Trinidad, Cochabamba together with pastor Walter Toro. Pray for the churches in La Paz and Tarija to grow and impact their communities, and for their leaders, Carla and Martín Flores and Sandra and Walter Barrientos.


Uphold Latin partners Lico and Rosa Bascuñán in Santa Cruz. Pray for the community they serve who are poor economically, that the Lord may enable them to discover his riches, love and salvation.

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