Pray for God’s blessing on Josias and Danielle de Souza and Daniel in youth ministry and preaching in Holy Spirit Church, Recife and beyond. Pray for deepening faith and commitment from the young people, and unity among Christians in the area.
Efraim and Ruth Vilella praise God for his leading and timing in finding a home, a church and starting work in Porto Alegre. With Sara, nurse and pastor’s wife, Ruth is starting an evangelistic ministry for pregnant women similar to that in Recife. This is being advertised through local health centres, and Ruth will be able to pass women on to other health professionals. Trained volunteers help with the Bible teaching and health talks. Pray for them with the challenge of setting up a sewing workshop as part of this ministry.
Ruth loves the weekly support she gives at a local children’s home, helping the hardworking staff and looking at areas to address with further training. Efraim leads worship at church, has started a music group with some of the youth, and is enjoying having a prayer group in his new office. Of the move to Porto Alegre Ruth writes: “We hope you can rejoice with us now …. Thank you for your continued prayers.”
David Weller, chaplain of Christ Church Rio de Janeiro, wrote of serious floods in April. The worst affected were the poor of the favellas and over 150 died. Pray for those who grieve and those whose homes were destroyed. Pray too for David and Sue and daughter Rachel, in their ministry of services, Bible studies, counselling and pastoral visiting for their English speaking congregation.