Friday Night Live : Friday 5th February 2010 @ 7.30pm

Friday Night Live : Friday 5th February 2010 @ 7.30pm

Hosted By
Bishop Ken Clarke

Keynote Speaker
Rev Dorothy McVeigh

Special Guests
Argentina David Alanis
Brazil Gaynor & Noreen Smith & Samuel Fiuza
Chile Esteban Alvarez & Cristian Porre
Paraguay Claire Holmes
Spain Saray Martin Roca
Red Box Project Cecilia Valdiviezo

Also featuring
Beyond The Norm Volunteers
Love For Life
N. Ireland Prison Service Mountaineers
Shankill Parish Music Group

Don’t miss this unique event in Craigavon Civic Centre
Friday 5th February 2010 @ 7.30pm

Click here for travel directions

Click here to view brochure

SAMS Ireland values your support in this event.
For further information contact us at: SAMS House, 1 Irwin Crescent, Lurgan, Craigavon, BT66 7EZ.
Tel: 028 3831 0144 Email: Web:

SAMS Prayer Line for the period commencing Wednesday 16 December

As mentioned last week, Ronnie & Nicky Irene and family move today from Bolivia to Asunción in Paraguay.  Pray for them in the move, the adaptation, for Ronnie’s family in Bolivia, especially his mother, and for their former church, Cristo Salvador in La Paz, that the leaders and members will rise to the new challenges and opportunities.


Pray too for Ruth & Efraim Vilella who recently moved to Porto Alegre in southern Brazil.  Due to delays over the processing of Efraim’s job transfer with Wal-Mart, they are still unable to move into permanent accommodation, their belongings remain in a warehouse and they risk losing the flat they hope to rent.  Please pray.


Marcus & Tamara Throup have asked prayer for their grandmothers.  Tamara’s in Brazil had surgery last week for blood clots on the brain, while Marcus’ grandmother in the UK suffered a fall and broke her hip.  Pray for full recovery for these ladies, and also keep Tamara, in Brazil, and Marcus, completing studies in Northern Ireland, in your prayers.  They will be reunited in Brazil at new year.


Finally, please continue to remember the Drayson family as they readapt to life in Northern Argentina.  Nick travels to Buenos Aires for meetings on Saturday and to meet their children Sam & Stefi who arrive from the UK on the 23 to spend Christmas with Nick & Catherine in Salta.

SAMS Prayer Line week beginning Wednesday 9 December

Thank you for your prayers for Maria Leake’s passport.  Oswaldo Balvín from the diocesan office in Buenos Aires picked it up yesterday after queuing for 3 hours, so she, Andrew and the family will be able to travel to the UK this Saturday.  Praise God for Oswaldo and for the resolution of this matter.

Please pray that Juan Carlos Marcés’s visa for the UK will arrive in time for him, Penny and the family to travel here from Peru just before Christmas.  He also needs a US transit visa.

As well as the Leakes, Linn Tedman and Caroline Gilmour-White are flying to the UK this week, leaving Paraguay on Wednesday, Linn to begin UK ministry, Caroline a private visit.

In Paraguay Ed & Marie Brice report that last Thursday the whole Chaco had rain, in some places the first in 10 months, meaning that many people can start planting again.

Last Saturday a Marriage Encounter was held for the parents of children with disabilities in the Shalom project in Lima, Peru.  25 couples were expected. Pat Blanchard asks us to pray especially for the fathers, “as it is usually the mums who bring the children to their therapy and we have met very few of the fathers”.

In Olinda, Brazil, Ian & Siméa Meldrum praise God for some evangelistic meals held for couples.  As a result four couples have given their lives to Christ and some couples are preparing for a joint wedding this Saturday (12th).

Following Bolivia’s presidential election in which President Morales was elected for a second term, this Sunday (13th) is the turn of Chile, with three candidates in the running.  Pray for God’s leading of the electors.

Finally, please keep in prayer Ronnie & Nicky Irene and family who are preparing to move from Bolivia to Paraguay next Tuesday (15th).

Prayer for the week commencing Tuesday 1 December

Andrew Leake asks us to pray that the Lord will open a way for his wife Maria to get her new passport in time to travel to the UK for home ministry.  She applied for it in September but has been told it will not be ready until 14 December, two days after the family are booked to fly.


A weekend youth camp is being held (5-6th) for teenagers and other young people from the urban churches at the Diocese of Paraguay’s retreat centre near Asunción.  Please pray for the leaders and speakers in their preparation, for a time of fellowship and spiritual growth, and for the right weather – it’s been excessively hot there recently.


On Saturday the SAMS England General Council meets in London for possibly the last time before the proposed new joint entity takes over all SAMS England and CMS England work from 1st February.  Pray for them to know God’s guidance in this day of exacting discussions and decisions.

News and prayer update from Marcus & Tamara Throup in Belfast and Brazil.

Just an update on Throup life! Please continue to pray for Tamara and me, as it is quite hard being apart. You’ll recall that I’m on a post-graduate diploma course in Theological Education in Belfast, whereas Tamara is at her Mum’s in Recife, finishing her post-grad course in Psychology. Studies are going well for both of us, and one good piece of news for me is that the University of Nottingham accepted my PhD proposal in New Testament studies, so I am now officially a (part-time) PhD student!

The pregnancy is going well and via Skype I am able to have some idea of our daughter (Rebekah’s) progress. Tamara is now 22 weeks and so far so good; this Thursday Tamara is due in for another important scan so please pray for her and Rebekah.

Here in Belfast, I’m having a productive time.  As well as studying around 10 hours a day on the Theological Education and on the doctorate, I have done a small amount of Greek teaching and may yet do some further teaching in other areas. I’m also learning a little Swahili with Dr Paul Mwangi, my Kenyan roommate! We’re quite an international group, with college lecturers and principals from all over the world. A lot of us (me included!) are feeling the cold now! Term is coming to an end though, and on January 1st, after Christmas with my folks, I’ll be getting on a plane to Brazil!

Both Tamara and I sense that this is a very special and formative time in our lives. The arrival of Rebekah and the start of the PhD bring new challenges and serious commitment, but both of us are sure that the Lord is with us, guiding us through. As of next year, alongside the PhD hours, I’ll be doing various teaching jobs that the bishop has lined up for me. Please pray that both of us will be refreshed and rested over the coming Christmas break, so that we can be at our best for the things God has for us next year.


With every blessing in Christ


Marcus and Tamara

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