Youth Ministry in Peru
Paul Tester had the opportunity to travel to the south of Peru and be part of the follow-up to the July youth mission in Juliaca. Working with Lizbeth, the diocesan youth coordinator, and the church in Juliaca, “we prepared a day’s activities for the young people there. It was great to have over thirty attend and see that the group that started after our mission trip is still meeting and growing. I was also able to be part of youth leader training and leading youth groups in Arequipa as part of the same trip. It is encouraging to see many green shoots of youth ministry across the diocese. Please keep praying!
Youth leaders from the diocese came together for the youth leaders’ retreat in Lima, including ones from Juliaca, Arequipa, Ica and Lima. We had times of teaching, ministry, games, worship and fun on the nearby beach and it has seemed to encourage youth leaders in a number of congregations where youth ministry is a very new concept! It is beginning to be taken seriously in Peru and a few of us from the youth ministry team were able to attend the “Youth Specialties” national youth leaders’ conference, which was an encouragement and inspiration for all of us.